Win 10

How to prevent Windows 10 from invading your privacy

We all know that the release of Windows 10 Operating System wasnā€™t received well by users of Microsoft and the main reason for such reaction was due to the fact that it invades the userā€™s privacy. For this reason, many in the technology world postponed its use and upgrade for many years. Now, to those […]

Windows 7 users should be aware of these Cyber Security vulnerabilities

All you Windows 7 users out there, its better you make a note of the following cybersecurity vulnerabilities to which your system will get exposed after Decemberā€™ 19. 1.) Obsolete systems which do not receive security updates from their developers( Microsoft in this case) can easily be used to spread malware. 2.) Unless you go […]

Microsoft reveals that Ransomware has declined due to Windows 10

Call it a marketing gimmick or factual stats; Microsoft has revealed that Ransomware attacks on Windows Computers have declined in the past months of the previous year. According to the new report from Microsoft Malware Protection Center, the malicious software volume has come down on a drastic note. After surging to 385,000 in August 2017, […]

Microsoft argues that Windows 10 can keep Ransomware at Bay!

Microsoft has come up with the latest argument which says that its Windows 10 operating system can keep Ransomware at Bay. The software giant claims that its latest OS has inbuilt security features that can stop a Ransomware infection from spreading as an epidemic. The Redmond giant argues that ransomware might prove as a strong […]

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