Work from Home
Mobile security challenges in work from home environments
In recent years, the global workforce has witnessed a significant shift towards remote work, catalyzed by the COVID-19 pandemic. This transformation has led to a surge in the use of mo-bile devices as essential tools for work-related tasks. While the adoption of remote work has offered newfound flexibility and convenience, it has also introduced a […]
Work from home culture could fuel Russian Cyber Attacks
Intelligence agencies from the west have issued a special alert yesterday stating that the Work from Home (WFH) culture could add fuel to Russian Cyber Attacks and may rise their success score from 30% to 70%. An alert issued by Five Eyes Alliance comprising countries such as Australia, New Zealand, Canada, UK and US cautioned […]
Work from Home leading to surge in Cyber Attacks in UK
The Work from Home (WfH) culture might do well to the employees, but some companies are disclosing openly that they are witnessing a surge in cyber attacks( mainly data breaches) on their IT infrastructure as their employees are not following basic cyber hygiene of using strong passwords and authenticating their Identity whole accessing networks. A […]
Tape the Webcam and enable Firewall tops Work-from-Home Cybersecurity tips
As soon as the world switched to a lockdown due to Coronavirus Pandemic, many IT companies initiated their employees to work from home to keep their critical company operations going. Â However, security researchers report that a new set of the challenge is created in remote working conditions as it gives a new vulnerable attack […]
How to keep your Work from Home strategy Cyber Secure
As many people across the world are working from home these days to keep their office operations going, hackers are seeing these devices as vulnerable points to infiltrate corporate networks. So, here are some strategies that can make your work from home experience spectacularly cyber secure. Â Security experts are recommending telecommuting workers to use […]