All these days we have seen companies providing online services offer multiple security methods for login authentication. Twitter, world’s second largest social networking giant, also allows users to go for bio-metrics or 2FA through passwords for users who wish to keep their logins safe from hackers.
However, all is going to change pretty soon as Twitter has made it official that it will only allow physical hardware keys authentication for logins in near future.
Although the company did not mention when it will roll out this security possibility to users; it has clearly defined in one of its tweet that the option will remain as the only login authentication in coming weeks.
Hardware security keys are those that are used to add extra security layer to online accounts. They are nothing but USB drives that can be plugged into the computer’s USB port to gain a safe login. And often such keys are used to thwart cyber attacks launched by bots controlled by hackers.
As such keys are thought to offer a secure conventional authentication process, Twitter seems to offer as an only security login option for both mobile and web options in near future.
It is unclear when exactly the authentication will be rolled out. But unconfirmed sources say that the implementation might start from September this year.
Note- Twitter released this feature to all those who opted for 2-factor authentication in December 2020. Wonder how the process of making all Twitter users use the Hardware keys for authentication is going to work out?