US Police Departments are nowadays found using Tiger Text App to share sensitive info between peers. The reason- the app allows the users to share info which can be erased after a set time period. It’s said that once the messages have been deleted, even forensic experts may not retrieve the messages with the current tech available with them.
Tiger Text app, which is now known as TigerConnect Inc, is an American cloud-based communication platform known for instant messaging. The company is based in Los Angeles and was founded in the year 2010 by Andrew Brooks MD and Brad Brooks- the former a multi-billionaire and the latter a founder of Animation Company Sunshine Children.
In July 2012, Tiger Text announced API integration with Dropbox which will allow its users to send secure docs in a secure format. On March 6th, 2018, TigerText was rebranded as TigerConnect and since then can be used on Android, iPhones, iPads, tablets and Mac PCs. It has also been branded as HIPAA Complaint and so sensitive info between healthcare professionals can be shared via this platform.
According to a report from Al Jazeera, at least one US Police department from each state is said to be using the said app to share sensitive and potentially indiscriminating info through this app. The aim is to keep the info miles away from all kind of legal hassles.
All former and a few current officers from the Long Beach Police Department in southern California have confirmed the news and said that they are doing it based on the instructions from the senior level in the Police Department.
All potential evidence which could help attorneys in both civil and criminal cases against the department is being shared on this app which deletes the docs within a specified time frame- such as 1-3 days.
Note- Long Beach Police Department stands 5th in the nation for Officers involved in shootings per capita in 2015. And the said region is known to pay tens of millions of dollars to the families of those shot.
Therefore, the department might have got the motivation from the reimbursement to adopt the application.
Al Jazeera has evidence that over 100 police personnel were using TigerText since 2014 and reports that the app has become a safe messaging platform for criminal investigations and confidential communication to the Long Beach law enforcement.