CloudPassage is officially Splunk Cloud Certified!

Cybersecurity- Insiders

This post was originally published here by casey pechan.

Great news for anyone who likes a good integration: CloudPassage Halo is Splunk Cloud Certified! What does that mean? It means that CloudPassage Halo events can go directly into the Splunk Cloud App without having to go through a syslog server. We’re thrilled to be welcomed into the Splunk Cloud Certified family, especially considering how rigorous the approval process is.

Special thanks goes to our engineering team, who was able to complete this project in just two weeks, on top of some other major rollouts we have coming (more on this next month).

In order for CloudPassage Halo to be considered for the Splunk cloud CloudPassage Halo needed to be:

  • Submitted to Splunkbase once all requirements are prepared and met
  • Splunkbase then runs AppInspect cloud checks
  • Be available on Splunk Enterprise and Cloud

It’s important to note that applications with return zero failures or manual checks will be the quickest approved for installation on Splunk Cloud.

Photo:Project Times

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