Cyber Attack has compromised more than 26,500 accounts of National Lottery Players. On Wednesday morning, the officials from Camelot Group confirmed this news and said that personal details like name, contact details, date of birth, transaction history, account preferences, last 4 digits of their card number and expiry date of the card could have been accessed by hackers.
As per the report prepared from the preliminary inquiry, suspicious activity was detected on Camelot Servers on Monday afternoon. And the related officials at the National Lottery Operator came to a hack conclusion by later evening. The officials added that the email address and the password used at the National Lottery website might have been purloined from another website where same credentials were used by players.
In this morning, the CIO at Camelot released a press statement saying that out of 9.5 million registered users, over 26,500 player accounts were accessed by hackers.
Camelot has suspended all the compromised accounts by mid-Tuesday and has started the process of contacting the players and help them re-activate their accounts on a secure note.
By Tuesday night, most of the players whose accounts were compromised received an official email with the subject line–“Important Player Message”. The email alerted them about the cyber attack and asked them to reset their respective accounts.
In the year 2010, National Lottery Operator Camelot was sold to a Canada-based teacher’s pension fund for £389 million. The company was previously owned by a consortium that includes Cadbury.
Camelot has taken the hack very seriously is currently working with the National Crime Agency and the National Cyber Security Center to identify the culprits.
The England-based company has assured that they will continue to monitor and protect their systems in a more efficient manner in coming days and will see that no such hacks occur in future.