Digital transformation requires security transformation

This post was originally published here by gregg rodriguez.

In 2018 digital transformation became a popular topic of discussion and exploration among enterprises. This year security transformation is becoming a key focus. Roughly nine out of 10 businesses surveyed in 2018 reported having or preparing to implement a formal digital transformation strategy, according to anIDG report.

Digital transformationĀ is the integration of digital technology into all areas of a business, fundamentally changing how you operate, innovate, and deliver value to customers. 89% of enterprises plan to adopt or have already adopted aĀ digital transformation business strategyĀ with Services (95%), Financial Services (93%) and Healthcare (92%) at the top.

With more enterprises adopting digital business strategies, the IaaS market is predicted to reach $72.4 billion worldwide by 2020, according toĀ Gartner.

Much of the growth is attributed to organizations adopting IaaS to pave the way for a transition from legacy IT systems to cloud-based services.

With digital transformation the new paradigm, IaaS takes on an even more critical role, as it can enable companies to quickly set up robust and resilient cloud infrastructure networks, without major upfront costs. It can also give organizations the speed and agility they need in theirĀ Continuous Integration/Continuous DeliveryĀ (CI/CD) pipeline to make them more competitive.

Cloud fuels innovation by providing theĀ modern, agile application environmentĀ your developers and IT departments need to innovate faster and more continuously. Which meansĀ your IT team can develop new products, rethink business models, and reach customers in faster and more evolved ways.Ā All of which is critical to staying competitive.

How do you reap the benefits offered by ā€œdigital-first,ā€ or ā€œcloud-first,ā€ technologies, such as those offered by AWS and Azure, and still manage security and compliance in a faster, modern, cloud-based environment?

Cloud requires new approach to security

Without a solid security transformation strategy in place as a key component of cloud adoption, thereā€™s no plan to tackle the complex security threat landscape that comes with working in the cloud and a rapidly expanding digital presence.

Cloud computing is driven by a new infrastructure model, so it also requires a new approach to security. In the AWS environment, Amazon provides a secure foundation across physical, infrastructure, and operational security, while you maintain responsibility for protecting the security of your application workloads, data, identities, on-premises resources, and all the cloud components that you control. This is referred to as the ā€œShared Responsibility Model.ā€

What makes security challenging in an IaaS environment, is that the scale and speed are bigger and much faster compared to traditional IT environments. There are simply more things in more places that need to be monitored and protectedā€“and no effective way to maintain complete visibility into all those assets and the issues that threaten them without automation.

The good news: You can keep up with your part of the shared responsibility model and ensure the security of your cloud computing resources by utilizing security best practices. Additionally, you can launch your security transformation efforts by using aĀ security solution delivering comprehensive visibility, protection, and continuous compliance monitoring for compute, storage, database, networking, and identity services to reduce cyber risk.

As data breaches become even more commonplace, the need for comprehensive cybersecurity grows more critical than ever.

Photo:Channel Futures


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