GandCrab Ransomware locks down Microsoft partner Software Objectives database

Cybersecurity- Insiders

Software Objectives, a Melbourne based software consultancy firm has officially disclosed early today that its database has been locked down by ransomware spreading scammers.

A media statement released by the said Microsoft partner on June 6th,2018 says that the firm is being blackmailed by the scammers who are demanding an astronomical sum in DASH Cryptocurrency.

As per a late night report published on June 5th in Victorian news resource News Corp, Software Objective’s database has been hit by GandCrab ransomware which hit the network via a dodgy email sent to one of the developers.

Note- Usually, such ransomware attack campaigns are circulated through phishing emails.

The company’s CEO and Business Development Manager Geoff Schaller confirmed this news but failed to disclose further details as the investigation was going on full swing.

Scaller added in his statement that some of the clients data got corrupted in the incident.

Software Objectives which claims Sophos and Microsoft as its prominent partners are already looking to take new measures to ensure the company is protected from all such malware exploits in future.

It already has an effective disaster recovery plan- such as redundant backups in place. And so is said to likely show a blind eye towards the demand put forward by the ransomware spreaders/hackers.

Note- GandCrab ransomware developers are often seen demanding ransom in lesser-known cryptocurrency’s like DASH. Their preference for DASH could be due to the fact that it offers more anonymity and because it has lower transaction fees than BTC.

More details will be updated shortly.

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Naveen Goud
Naveen Goud is a writer at Cybersecurity Insiders covering topics such as Mergers & Acquisitions, Startups, Cyber Attacks, Cloud Security and Mobile Security

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