Google Chrome users are vulnerable to cyber attacks

    Google, the web search giant has issued a public statement yesterday urging its users to update their Chrome browsers with the latest version. According to Justin Schulz, the security and desktop engineer at Google, all old version chrome browsers are vulnerable to cyber attacks and to save your system from such incidents, it is better you go for the latest update.

    So, Google is requesting its users to upgrade their browsers to the version 72.0.3626.121 via an auto update which was released by the company on March 1st,2019. Technically speaking, it is a fix for a CVE-2019-5786 exploit discovered on Feb 26th last month.

    The internet juggernaut says that the vulnerability which existed in the previous version and discovered by Googleā€™s Threat Analysis Group members has been fixed now.

    Now, to those who arenā€™t sure on whether they are running an updated version, hereā€™s a note. Just click the 3 dots in the upper right corner of the browser window and select ā€œHELPā€ and go to ā€œabout Chromeā€. This step will notify users on whether their browser is updated or if they need to restart their device for the update to take placeā€”This only applies to those who have to update the latest chrome version on a manual note.

    Note 1- As per the latest figures released by Googleā€™s Chrome web browser is very popular among desktop users as a recent survey says that more than 72% of desktop market share was occupied by Chrome- as per Novā€™18 update.

    Note 2- Mozilla Firefox happens to top the list in the second place with 9.1% market share followed by Microsoftā€™s Windows 10 Edge Browser with 4% market share.

    Naveen Goud
    Naveen Goud is a writer at Cybersecurity Insiders covering topics such as Mergers & Acquisitions, Startups, Cyber Attacks, Cloud Security and Mobile Security

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