Microsoft has made it official that it is going to introduce the services of its AI ChatGPT on all its premium upcoming mobile phones. Therefore, by June this year, the Bing Chatbot will be offered as Bing Smartphone app and a support system for its edge browser, thus competing with Google in terms of AI propelled search results.
However, all doesn’t seem to go great for usage of artificial intelligence, as internationally renowned JPMorgan Chase has asked its employees to stop accessing the services of the ChatGPT.
Reasons are yet to be officially disclosed to the public. But persons familiar with the matter report that the decision was taken by the firm to stop projecting the minds of its employees by third party software.
Well, this happens to the first company to impose an apparent ban on the usage of the conversational AI software and, after weighing down the pros with cons, more companies will surely follow.
In another development to the newly developed software of OpenAI, some companies are thinking of integrating the service into their game management platforms. One such company is Texas Hold’em, where the odds of the poker game will be predicted to the users in a predefined way, provided they pay a premium.
WhatsApp is also working to integrate the ChatGPT AI software into its platform, allowing users to reply to chats on a user’s behalf.
Microsoft chief Satya Nadella claims that his company’s $3 billion investment in OpenAI will provide great returns in the future.