2021 BYOD Security Report [Bitglass]

(Download the 2021 BYOD Security Report by completing form at right.)

The recent COVID-19 pandemic and resulting surge of employees working from home significantly increased security and privacy risks introduced by the use of personal mobile devices.
As mobility and remote work environments keep growing, so do challenges from managing device access to handling the most pressing concerns of mobile security. The 2021 BYOD Security Report reveals these security challenges and offers fresh insights on the state of securing mobility, the technology choices organizations are making, and their response to the growing security risks associated with remote work and enterprise mobility.

Key findings include:

ā€¢ Overall, a massive 82% of organizations actively enable BYOD to at least some extent. BYOD is typically associated with company employees bringing unmanaged devices into
the workplace (70%), but also applies to other groups like contractors (26%), partners (21%), customers (18%), and suppliers (14%).
ā€¢ The main barriers to BYOD adoption are the concern about information security (30%), employee privacy concerns (15%), and support cost concerns (9%). Regardless of the
specific barrier, the fact is that organizations need to think differently (and deploy different kinds of solutions) when it comes to securing BYOD.
ā€¢ At the top of the list of security concerns is data leakage or loss (62%). Other critical concerns include users downloading unsafe apps or content (54%), lost or stolen devices (53%), and unauthorized access to company data and systems (51%). There are countless ways that data can leak through BYOD, making the implementation of appropriate security measures critical.
ā€¢ While 22% of organizations confirmed that unmanaged devices accessing corporate resources downloaded malware in the last 12 months, an alarming 49% were unsure or
unable to disclose whether the same could be said of them. This lack of visibility can prove fatal.

We would like to thank Bitglass for supporting this important research.

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