2021 Insider Landscape Report [Code42]

(To download the 2021 Insider Landscape Report, please see link at right.)

The 2021 Insider Landscape Report reveals the latest trends and challenges facing organizations in this new environment. The report explores how IT and cybersecurity professionals deal with risky insiders and how organizations are preparing to better protect their critical data and IT infrastructure.

Key findings include:

ā€¢ Security professionals are more concerned about inadvertent (71%) or negligent (60%) data leaks than malicious data breaches (52%)
ā€¢ 52% of people find it more difficult to detect and prevent insider attacks than external cyber attacks
ā€¢ 62% of people are concerned or very concerned about insider risk
ā€¢ Only 29% of organizations currently use an insider risk management solution, despite being more concerned about accidental data leaks
ā€¢ 65% of budgets will either stay the same or decline
This 2021 Insider Landscape Report has been produced by Cybersecurity Insiders, the 500,000 member community for information security professionals to explore how organizations respond to the evolving security threats in the cloud.

We would like to thank Code42 for supporting this unique research.

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