2023 Cloud Security Report [Check Point]

The rapidly evolving cloud landscape presents organizations with complex challenges in effectively managing and securing their cloud infrastructure, necessitating the adoption of comprehensive solutions to mitigate risks and safeguard critical assets.

This 2023 Cloud Security Report is based on a comprehensive survey of 1052 cybersecurity professionals in April 2023, to gain insights and reveal trends in cloud security management, highlighting the pressing challenges faced by organizations and providing guidance for enhancing cloud security posture.

Key Survey Findings Include:

ā€¢ Multi-Cloud Security Challenges and Concerns: As cloud adoption is increasing, with 39% of respondents having more than 50% of their workloads in the cloud, a majority of organizations struggle with the skills gap for cloud security deployment (58%) and ensuring data protection (52%) in multi-cloud environments. Security concerns remain high, with 76% of respondents being extremely or very concerned about cloud security.

ā€¢ Cloud Security Incidents: 24% of respondents experienced a public cloud-related security incident, with misconfigurations, account compromises, and exploited vulnerabilities being the top incident types.

ā€¢ Cloud Configuration and Security Policy Management: 62% of organizations use cloudnative tools for configuration management, while 29% utilize dedicated CSPM solutions.

A significant 72% of users have to access three or more separate security solutions to configure their cloud policies, causing cloud management and security issues. A substantial 70% of organizations have six or more security policies in place.

ā€¢ DevSecOps, CIEM, and Unified Security Management: 37% of respondents have adopted DevSecOps in some parts of their organization, while 19% have a comprehensive program in place. 40% use CIEM as part of their CSPM, and 90% of respondents favor a single cloud security platform for simplified management.

We would like to thank Check Point for supporting this important industry research project. We hope youā€™ll find this report informative and helpful as you continue your efforts in securing your organizations against evolving threats.

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