Ransomware shuts down Australian wool auction and erases data of Florida Police

    The Australian wool auctioning event was shut down for a week as a ransomware attack on a supplierā€™s main software locked out the auctioning company from carrying on the event on a further note.


    Secretary of National Auction Selling Committee (NASC) has confirmed the news and said that the weeks auctioning has been canceled due to a cyber attack.


    Authorities are working to hard to restore the system related to Electronic Data Interchange by this weekend through backups and related tools.


    David Cother, the Secretary of the National Auction Selling Committee stated the sales of week 35 have been canceled and the sales of week 36 will be reviewed later as a review of the systems should be made closely.


    In another news related to the ransomware attack, US Prosecutors had to let go of 11 narcotic cases on 6 suspected drug dealers due to lack of evidence with the Florida Police Department. As the police failed to provide detailed evidence, before the law, the drug dealer suspects were freed up.


    News is out that the evidence on the database of the Stuart Police department was erased due to a ransomware attack in April 2019 and as the Florida Police failed to provide a related photo and video evidence before the court it made the US Prosecutors free up the suspects.


    Note-Ā A ransomware is a file-encrypting malware that locks down an infected database from access until a ransom is paid- usually in cryptocurrency of Bitcoins and Monero.

    Naveen Goud
    Naveen Goud is a writer at Cybersecurity Insiders covering topics such as Mergers & Acquisitions, Startups, Cyber Attacks, Cloud Security and Mobile Security

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