Sarvdap Spambot Checks IP Blacklists

Ionut ArghireĀ wrote an interesting post about Sarvdap Spambot Checks IP Blacklists that I would like to share.

The Sarvdap spambot was recently observed checking the IP addresses of infected hosts against common blacklists, in an attempt to ensure that its spam email is successfully delivered, Palo Alto Networks security researchers reveal.

While otherĀ spambotsĀ typically start sending spam emails as soon as a host has been infected, Sarvdap first checks to see whether the IP isnā€™t on a blacklist, and shuts itself down if it is. Commonly downloaded by theĀ Andromeda botnet, the spambot has been used to deliver pharmaceutical spam and to distribute the main Andromeda bot to more targets.

After initial execution, Sarvdap drops a copy of itself into theĀ %windir%Ā folder, launches a newĀ svchost.exeĀ process, and then initializes itself by allocating memory. Next, the malware injects the main bot code into this process, checks the system for a debugger to ensure it isnā€™t being analyzed, and creates the mutex ā€œStart_Main_JSM_completeā€.

Next, the malwareĀ checksĀ the Internet connection by attempting to connectĀ and, if the check passes, it starts enumerating multiple blacklist feeds to verify the host IPā€™s reputation status. In the event that the IP isnā€™t blacklisted, the malware starts beaconing to the hardcoded command and control (C&C) server over TCP port 2352. Should the host be blacklisted, the malware terminates itself.

If the C&C is online and the Real-time Blackhole List (RBL) checks are passed, a configuration file is downloaded. However, because the server was offline during analysis, the security researchers couldnā€™t determine what exactly the configuration contained.

The most interesting capability of Sarvdap, researchers say, is present within the original code: a hardcoded list of commonly known blacklist servers. Because the referenced blacklists are from all around the world, the Palo Alto Networks researchers concluded that the spambotā€™s author was looking for global coverage rather than focusing on a specific region.

ā€œPhishing emails remain a highly prevalent threat for enterprise, government and home users. For-hire, large-scale spam focused botnets continue to churn out hundreds of thousands of messages a day from compromised hosts. Sarvdap is particularly interesting not due to its scale, but rather due to its attempts to increase overall spam delivery by abusing reputation blacklists,ā€ the security researchers note.

Using blacklist functions isnā€™t a novel technique when it comes to malware, though most malicious programs use them to evade detection. While many pieces of malware blacklist only the most popular anti-malware solutions orĀ sandboxesĀ out there, there are some that pack extensive lists of programs and websites to be avoided, such asĀ the Furtim malware.”



Ionut ArghireĀ



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