A study taken up by a Privacy Concerning firm has revealed that the smart homes in UK could be exposed to over 12,000 hacking attempts every single week and could push whole of Britain into deep trouble within no time.
Which?, an organization that fights for consumer privacy conducted a study in January this year and discovered that each smart home in UK is filled with 10-12 different connected devices such as thermostats to televisions and CCTV cameras.
The privacy advocating firm states that every busy week that passes in UK has witnessed over 12,807 hacking attempts on smart devices and that includes 2,453 login bids because of weak usernames and passwords.
Thus, by taking mathematical calculations into account, the above stated figures account to 14 hacking attempts every hour and 1 for each 3-6 minutes on an average. And most of the hacking attempts of the bad guys are being targeted between 9am to 6 pm time frame from countries such as China, India, Russia, US, Netherlands and some parts of Eastern Africa.
Privacy advocates from Which? reiterate the fact that the Boris Johnson government should wake up before it is too late and come up with legislation that requires smart devices to maintain all basic standards.
Sean Malcom Bitterwhich from Cisco Talos says that hackers are becoming sophisticated and are using botnets( Mirai mostly) to scan for potentially vulnerable connected devices that can exploit through weak passwords and other such issues.