Artificial Intelligence

Harnessing Defensive AI: Safeguarding the Digital Realm

In an increasingly interconnected world where digital threats loom large, the integration of Defensive Artificial Intelligence (AI) emerges as a critical bulwark against cyberattacks. From sophisticated ransomware assaults on critical infrastructure to relentless phishing schemes targeting sensitive data, the need for proactive defense mechanisms has never been more apparent. Defensive AI, with its ability to […]

The Top 4 Forms of AI-Enabled Cyber Threats

The face of cyber threats has transformed dramatically over the decades. At first, they emerged as hacks, viruses and denial of service attacks, often hatched by young computer whiz kids chasing thrills and bragging rights. Then, criminal organizations leveraged increasingly sophisticated tools and techniques to steal private customer data, shut down business operations, access confidential/sensitive […]

What is AI based Cyber Crime

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized numerous fields, including cybersecurity. However, its application in cyber-crime represents a dual-edge sword, offering both innovative tools for attackers and advanced defenses for cybersecurity professionals. AI-based cyber-crime refers to the utilization of artificial intelligence techniques by malicious actors to perpetrate various forms of cyber-attacks. These attacks leverage AI algorithms to […]

Harnessing AI to Thwart Ransomware Threats: A Strategic Approach

In today’s interconnected digital landscape, ransomware has emerged as one of the most pervasive and damaging cyber threats. These malicious attacks target organizations of all sizes, encrypting critical data and demanding hefty ransom payments in exchange for decryption keys. As traditional cybersecurity measures struggle to keep pace with evolving ransomware tactics, the integration of Artificial […]

Elevating Disaster Recovery in Cybersecurity With AI-Driven Hyperautomation

Addressing the Current Cybersecurity Climate and Disaster Recovery Shortfalls In the current digital era, characterized by increasingly complex and sophisticated cyber threats, the role of IT security leaders in safeguarding organizational assets has never been more challenging. The inadequacy of traditional disaster recovery platforms and plans is starkly evident; these lag in addressing the speed […]

INE Security: Optimizing Teams for AI and Cybersecurity

2024 is rapidly shaping up to be a defining year in generative AI. While 2023 saw its emergence as a potent new technology, business leaders are now grappling with how to best leverage its transformative power to grow efficiency, security, and revenue. With the near-universal integration of AI into global technology, the need for AI-ready […]

Five Strategies for IT and Security Leaders to Defend Against AI-Powered Threats

By Darren Guccione, CEO and Co-founder, Keeper Security Artificial Intelligence (AI) has ushered in a new era of cyber threats where cybercriminals now use sophisticated AI tools to execute a range of attacks. At the RSA Conference 2024, the FBI San Francisco division warned individuals and businesses to be aware of the burgeoning threat posed […]

How can AI be used to keep customer data secure?

In the modern world of business, thereā€™s seemingly an unlimited number of uses for artificial intelligence (AI). From automating repetitive tasks to shaping high-level decision-making processes, the technology has a foothold in the corporate landscape and its influence is only growing stronger. Despite all the obvious benefits and opportunities of leveraging AI, there remains some […]

Embracing the benefits of LLM securely

AI is evolving at a rapid pace, and the uptake of Generative AI (GenAI) is revolutionising the way humans interact and leverage this technology. GenAI is based on large language models (LLMs) that have proven remarkable capabilities for breaking down barriers between humans and machines ā€“ from generating human-like text to powering conversational interfaces and […]

Microsoft to roll out AI powered PCs concerningly in coming years

Microsoft is poised to revolutionize the landscape of personal computing with its upcoming line of AI-powered PCs, signaling a significant shift in user experience and productivity. These cutting-edge devices, akin to the already unveiled Copilot, will predominantly rely on cloud-based infrastructure, ensuring seamless accessibility to stored data from anywhere. Essentially, Microsoft’s foray into AI-driven PCs […]

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