
Sensational Cyber Attack news for the day

When the heading says itā€™s sensational we mean it by all meansā€¦.and hereā€™s the proof 1.) Facebook workers are reportedly turning against their company founder Mark Zuckerberg for spying on user calls & posts and signing secret deals with data firms to sell user data. And the crux is that they want their founder to […]

Atlanta Ransomware attack could cost city taxpayers $17 million

In March 2018, the government servers in the city of Atlanta were targeted by ransomware which led to the disruption of almost all the governmentā€™s digital services and data loss in some departments which includes the water utility and the police surveillance footage storage systems. According to a confidential audit report prepared by the Atlanta […]

SamSam Ransomware attack turns into a financial burden on Atlanta City Council

Ransomware attack effects on Atlantaā€™s state government have been reported as much worse than it seemed at first glance. To start with, more than 30% apps-termed mission critical are yet to be brought online. Reuterā€™s reports that the city police have lost more than 10 years of dash cam footage in the attack as 6 […]

SamSam Ransomware attack costs $1.5 million to CDOT

Colorado Department of Transport which experienced a SamSam Ransomware attack in February this year has announced that it has recovered from the attack 80% but at an estimated cost of $1.5 million. The officials of the Colorado transport department also confirmed that at any point they havenā€™t caved into the demands of the ransomware attackers. […]

Details about WannaCry Ransomware Attack on Boeing Company

Boeing has cleared the air on late Wednesday that its jetliner production was not affected by the recent WannaCry Ransomware Attack. The airliner manufacturer also admitted that the attack did not cripple its Aircraft production and deliveries rating some media reports as ā€œoverstated and inaccurateā€. In the early hours of Wednesday, Seattle Times published a […]

Atlanta City Servers hit by Ransomware Attack

Officials at the Atlanta City have confirmed that their public network was reigning under the influence of a ransomware attack encrypting all the critical data pertaining to the city. The Atlanta City Chief Operating Officer Richard Cox has confirmed the news and said that the hackers were demanding a sum of $50,000 worth of Bitcoins […]

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