
Bank of Montreal hit by Cyber Attack

Bank of Montreal(BMO), known to be Canadaā€™s fourth largest financial service corporation said on Monday that it was hit by a cyber attack in which some hackers got hold of personal information of some of the BMO customers and were trying to blackmail the higher authorities of the financial institution to mint money. Cybersecurity Insiders […]

Canada Populace does not take Cyber Threats seriously

As data privacy concerns grow among online users, Canadaā€™s former National security advisor disclosed that the population of Canada never takes cyber threats on a serious note. Speaking at the Urban Security and Resilience Conference in Toronto, Richard Fadden the former security advisor stated that every individual, organization and government entity is under threat from […]

More than 100,000 Canadians affected by the cyber attack on Equifax!

Equifax has released an official confirmation late yesterday that more than 100,000 Canadians were affected by the cyber attack which targeted its database almost two months ago. The US-based Credit Agency has also assured that it will offer a public update by this weekend on the impact of the data breach which was disclosed to […]

Canada to launch cyber attacks on other nation governments

Canada is all set to launch cyber attacks on other national governments and terrorist organization as soon as itā€™s new National Security Legislation comes into power. Thus, as soon as the legislation comes into effect, the security officials will officially have the ability to launch cyber attacks against foreign actors, including terror groups and even […]

Canada to launch a cyber war on the military and defense sectors of foreign nation

Canada is all set to launch a cyber war on the military and defense sectors of foreign nations. But the nation is planning to target only those countries which have been intimidating it with cyber threats. As a part of the $62 million financial commitment of Trudeau government to isolate the nation from all kinds […]

Hackers siphon critical info from McDonalds Canada Website!

All those who have applied to McDonalds Canada website’s career webpage in between 2014 to 2017 are being alerted about a data breach which took place last week. As per the details available to the media, over 95,000 job seekers personal info has been compromised in the data breach and critical info is said to […]

Most of the Canadian firms are shunning cloud security

International Data Corporation(IDC) Canada in association with Scalar Decisions Inc. a leading technology solutions provider in Canada has made a recent survey in which shocking revelations related to cloud security were discovered. The study revealed that overwhelming three-quarters(77%) of Canadian Organizations feel that they are not focusing much on cloud security on both IT and […]

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