Cyber threat

Cyber threat to Electric Vehicles

A recent online survey conducted for Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company (HSB) suggests that over 74% of prospective owners of Electric Vehicles(EVs) are in a fear that their vehicles might fall prey to ransomware, state funded campaigns and other variants of cyber attack when connected to public charging stations. Zogby Analytics was the […]

Cyber Threat to Healthcare and Corona Virus Vaccine supply

Amid fears that the newly mutated & detected Omicron variant of Corona could trigger a lockdown across the world, security experts warn that some group of threat actors probably funded by adversary governments are threatening to disrupt the healthcare services and vaccine supply meant to contain the spread of COVID-19 on a global note. According […]

Cyber Threat forces Canada to shut down 4000 government websites

Can you believe that an unverified cyber threat has forced the Quebec government to shut over 4000 of its websites, all as a preventive measure to avoid extreme cyber troubles? This has happened in practical and was confirmed by Eric Caire, Quebecā€™s Digital Transformation Minister at a media briefing on Monday. Going deep into the […]

Cyber Threat by using own name as Password

An annual report released by NordPass states that online users are repeatedly committing the same mistake by using their own name as a password, which could put their online identity at a major risk in coming years. According to the list of Most Common Passwords used in 2020, a majority of them either used their […]

Cyber Threat ranking for countries across the world

A research carried out by fraud detection firm SEON has ranked Denmark as the safest nation to spend time online, followed by Germany and United States. Releasing a report on this note, security researchers compiled their report based on the information passed on by the National Cyber Security Index (NCSI) and the Global Cybersecurity Index […]

Now a device to thwart USB drive loaded malware attacks

Researchers from UK based University have developed a device to thwart malware based attacks spreading through USB Drives. It is actually an external device that scans for malicious content and alerts a computer admin about the lurking cyber threat. The university that is under discussion is Liverpool Hope University, where a group of security researchers […]

Cyber Threat to Labor Day Weekend

FBI and CISA on a joint note issued a public alert that computer networks of government and corporate companies were on the verge of being targeted by a cyber attack on this coming Labor Day weekend, i.e on September 6th of 2021. So, companies are being urged to step-up their security of systems proactively to […]

Cyber Threat to Glasgow COP26

UN Climate Change Conference, shortly known as COP26, scheduled to be held in between November 1st, 2021 to November 12th, 2021 at Glasgow, Scotland and an alert issued by the Sunday Mail says that the conference that is to be attended by many supreme world leaders including United States Joe Biden and Russian President Vladimir […]

Cyber Attacks on Global Education Sector witness a jump

According to a study by Check Point Software, there has been an increase in cyber attacks on the Education Sector operating across the world. And the survey confirmed that the education sector operating in United States, UK, Israel, India and Italy were deeply affected from January to July this year. Educators have become vulnerable to […]

Insider Threat to Google as it fires 36 employees in 2020

Well, this is indeed an interesting news piece to all those who are interested in Information Security. A leaked internal document of Google that was accessed & disclosed by, a tech subsidiary of Motherboard Tech, states that the internet juggernaut fired 36 employees in 2020 for fraudulently accessing Google user or employee data. Insider […]

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