cyber threats
NATO tames AI Driven Cyber Threats
We all know that a technology can never be at fault, as it is the mind that does most of the damage. And the same applies to the usage of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology that is now proving as a double-edged sword. In this world of AI driven cyberwarfare, NATO is finding it extremely difficult […]
Insider Cyber Threats rise by Tech Layoffs
Technology companies in recent times have asked most of their employees to stay home because of the fast-approaching recession or by other factors. But security analysts say that such kind of knee-jerk reactions could spell trouble for the organizations as employees leaving the firm could turn into insider cyber threat out of frustration or anger. […]
Data Security alert for FIFA World Cup 2022 Qatar
FIFA World Cup 2022 is all set to start in a couple of days and authorities managing the event are busy taking many measures to keep the venues, players, viewers, audiences, fans and broadcasting free from cyber threats of all kinds. All football fans who are visiting Qatar for the sporting event are being urged […]
Mobile Phones in UK are vulnerable to Cyber Threats
More than half of the mobile phones being operated in United Kingdom are at a risk of exploitation from hackers, says a survey conducted by Privacy advocacy firm Which? So, all those consumers who are buying a mobile phone through a network service provider, a retailer or a device manufacturer, you better be aware of […]
This post was originally published by (ISC)² Management. With cyber attacks against financial and banking institutions now a daily occurrence, cyber threats have become the biggest risk to the global financial system, according to Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell. Read more here:
Cybersecurity Threats to Look Out For In 2021
The start of the new decade comes with lots of good things businesses. In 2021, technology will improve significantly in various fields. This will not only provide opportunities for business growth, but it will also have an impact on the quality of life. Nonetheless, the fact that 2021 could be an amazing year doesn’t mean […]
Mobile Security Cyber Threats for the year 2020
As smartphone usage has increased immensely in the past few years, it also gave rise to the same amount of mobile security Cyber threats in parallel. Some users are aware of them and are taking all necessary precautions for not falling prey to hackers. Now to those who are unaware of such threats and the […]
This post was originally published by (ISC)² Management. The number of people working from home is skyrocketing as the COVID-19 pandemic forces companies to close offices and practice social distancing. The sudden explosion of makeshift home office environments is adding to the burden of already overtaxed cybersecurity workers, who now face the massive task of […]
Canada Govt to offer Cybersecurity for Teleworkers during COVID 19 Pandemic
To all those public and private employees in Canada who are working from home, due to Corona Virus spread crisis, here some good news. A Canada spy agency is all set to use its huge database of cyber threats to protect employees who are working from home to keep their critical office IT operations free […]
Phishing Threats Increase with COVID 19 Outbreak
The recent COVID 19 pandemic has changed the way that businesses are operating around the entire country. Some businesses are forced to temporarily shut down, while others are trying to adjust to the changes of working remote and innovating new and unique ways to operate their business. Every business has been affected by this pandemic outbreak, […]