Dark Web

Telegram becomes a hub for hackers buying stolen data

Next time you find your corporate database breached, just be sure that the siphoned data might already been traded on a Telegram platform. Yes, this news was confirmed by Cyber Intelligence Group named Cyberint that discovered that a large set of hacking groups were super-active in sharing data on the messaging platform, sometimes on broadcasted […]

Australia gives Cyber Tools to Police to break the ā€˜Dark Webā€™

The Australian government has given exceptional cyber tools to the Australian Federal Police (AFP) department/s to break into the dark web to track down online Pedophiles, hackers and Terrorists operating anonymously till date. An $88 million financial boost has been given to the Australian Federal Police to break into the computer network of criminals as […]

Malware Cyber Threat to UK Businesses

A recent academic study made on the dark web by Micheal McGuire- a senior professor in criminology at Surrey University has revealed that businesses are vulnerable to malware attacks specifically targeted at them by hackers. The darknet profits report which was commissioned by virtualization-based security firm Bromium says that firms based in the UK and […]

Cyber Attack news currently trending on Google

1.) Instagram has tweeted yesterday that it was aware of a bug that could have caused the drain out of millions of followers from its celebrity profiles which includes some big names such as Kylie Jenner, Kim Kardashian, Ariana Grande, Selena Gomez, Beyonce, Taylor Swift and suchā€¦ The photo-sharing website is currently working on the […]

Hackers sell credit card info of Saint John Parking System on Dark Web

Credit Card Information of nearly 6000 people or even more related to Saint John Parking System could have been sold on the dark web in the past 18 months as reports are in that hackers have gained access to the said information by intercepting the parking database at some time 2 year ago. In Decemberā€™18 […]

Cyber Attack news for the last day of this year 2018

1.) France based security engineers have found a software tool to navigate and monitor the dark web. But they also argue that the tool could spell deep trouble to the web users if it falls into wrong hands. Nicolas Hernandez, the Co-founder, and CEO of Aleph Networks, a company based in Lyon- France said that […]

Most Google trended Cybersecurity keywords in 2018

As Donald Trump and the word ā€˜Idiotā€™ are currently trending the most on Google search engine, Cybersecurity Insiders brings to you the most searched keywords related to Cybersecurity which trended on Google in 2018. Cyptojacking- The word started to lead the trending list from May 2018 and is still said to be buzzing on the […]

Facebook logins are available for $2.73 each on Dark Web

After Facebook disclosed last week that more than 50 million of its user accounts could have been compromised in the recent cyber attack which happens to be worst ever, a study carried out by a financial firm named Money Guru says that the logins of the social media giantā€™s users are available for just $2.73 […]

UK announces a crackdown on Dark Web

UKā€™s Home Secretary Amber Rudd has announced a crackdown on the dark web as she feels that the ploy could curb criminals from exploiting the anonymous web in pursuit of Child Po$$graphy, drug deals, guns, credit scams and other such illegal activities. Amber announced that the government of United Kingdom has set aside Ā£9 million […]

Cyber Attack only on Dark Web Websites!

An anonymous Cyber Attack was launched on websites used by hackers and others to share anonymous info. The attack was so severe that it disabled a large chunk of the websites used by Dark Web users for almost 96 hours. Our sources serving Cyber Security Insiders said that the attack was launched on Friday last […]

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