Nupur Sharma

Nupur Sharma comments on Prophet Mohammad leads to data leak of millions of Indian Citizens

Indian BJP Partyā€™s ex spokesperson Nupur Sharma made some derogatory remarks against Prophet Mohammad last week and that led to a series of cyber attacks on Indian government websites and a leak of Personal Identifiable Information (PII). According to a revelation made by an online resource, website defacement and hacks occurred as soon as Ms. […]

Cyber attacks on Indian Government websites due to comments on Prophet Muhammad

Indian Government websites are seeing a rise in cyber attacks after one of the former BJP leaders, Nupur Sharma, made some nasty comments on Prophet Muhammad. Terrorist organizations like Al-Qaida and others from Iran outfits have pledged to take control of Indiaā€™s Aadhaar and electoral database if the suspended BJP leader Nupur Sharma doesnā€™t issue […]

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