
Cyborg Social Engineering: Defending against personalised attacks

Generative AI has the potential to make social engineering attacks much more sophisticated and personalised. The technology can rapidly mine sites for information on a company, individuals, their responsibilities and specific habits to create multi-level campaigns. Through automated gethering of information, the technology can acquire photos, videos and audio recordings which can then be used […]

Microsoft and Google are top brands misused to scam users

Online users are increasingly becoming targets of phishing attacks, with hackers exploiting the names of leading technology companies to lure unsuspecting victims into scams that result in financial loss or malware infections. According to research from Check Point technology, scammers are prominently using the names of Microsoft and Google to orchestrate phishing attacks. By creating […]

Meet the Phishing service platform named Darcula

Cybersecurity analysts at Netcraft, an internet service company based in London, have recently uncovered a sophisticated phishing platform dubbed ‘Darcula.’ This platform, known as a phishing-as-a-service (PhaaS) operation, provides users with template-based guidance for setting up phishing websites. What sets Darcula apart is its continual evolution with innovative updates, including new anti-detection measures and features […]

How personalized phish training can thwart evolving cyberattacks

[By Matt Lindley, COO and CISO at NINJIO] Although the cyberthreat landscape is constantly shifting, several major cybercriminal tactics have stood the test of time. Phishing is one of them. Despite being among the best-known cyberthreats, the damage inflicted by phishing attacks keeps rising. This is because phishing exploits ingrained psychological vulnerabilities that are difficult […]

SIM linked data security measure to defend against phishing attacks

Stolen bank account credentials have been a persistent issue in countries like Britain, the United States, Australia, and Canada, often resulting in significant financial losses. However, Singapore’s leading telecommunications company, Singtel, has introduced an innovative solution to combat such phishing attacks. Their latest security measure, which links SIM cards to user accounts, provides a user-friendly […]

Report Phishing and Spam messages on Google in this way

The use of smartphones has surged over the past five years, attributed to the convenience and services they offer to users. Whether it’s booking a hotel or ordering food, app-powered smartphones are a technological marvel in the hands of enthusiasts. Despite the myriad advantages, smartphone usage is not without its challenges, particularly concerning malware controversies […]

Google to use Apple iPhones and Android devices to block Phishing Attacks

Google has made it official that it is going to use Apple iPhones and Android Devices as physical devices that could help in preventing phishing attacks on users using its web services. The plan is to use the mobile phones as physical keys such as Titan Keys to eliminate any kind of man-in-the-middle-attacks. All these […]

NHS Email Servers used for Phishing Attacks

Cybercriminals reportedly hacked UKā€™s National Health Service, shortly dubbed NHS to launch over 1000 phishing emails from the compromised servers. This incident was discovered by a research firm named Inky and it confirmed that the illegal access to the servers was carried out for a time frame of six months ending in March this year. […]

LinkedIn tops the Phishing Email list

LinkedIn is known as a professional social networking website that helps to connect companies with experienced professionals. But in the past few months, the companyā€™s name is being used by cyber criminals as the most spoofed brand to send phishing emails. Check Point, a security-based research firm found in its analysis that LinkedIn’s name is […]

Microsoft Windows 11 will have more protection against cyber threats

All those who are about to purchase a Windows 11 loaded PC; hereā€™s a news piece to rejoice. Microsoft has issued an official statement that Win 11 machines will get more security improvements in upcoming releases, adding more protection to existing cyber threats, better encryption and will auto-block malicious apps and drivers from being downloaded […]

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