
Cyber Attack news trending now

1.) Cyber Attack fear is said to be gripping among the British populace the most in Europe says a report by the European Commission. Itā€™s said that every 3 out of 4 have expressed their concerns on elections being influenced via cyber attacks and so are apprehensive in casting their vote. This level of concern […]

The holy grail: threat protection on any device

This post was originally published here by Nat Kausik. Cloud applications can be accessed from any device, anywhere.Ā  And most of these devices do not have up-to-date malware protection.Ā  How do you protect against threats in this situation? Agentless Next-Gen CASB can deliver threat protection on any device, managed or unmanaged.Ā  When a user connects […]

Ways to prevent cyber attacks on your company

Cyber Attacks on businesses seems to be inevitable- at least with the prevailing situation in the cyber landscape. But security analysts say that to a large extent most of these attacks are avoidable if companies chose to follow the below-specified steps crafted specifically to protect their enterprises against cyber attacks. 1.) The first and foremost […]

How to protect your enterprise from Computer Viruses, Hackers, Spyware, and Ransomware

In the digital world, an SMB can simply be financially ruined with the help viruses, spyware, and ransomware spread by hackers. So, for such businesses, computer protection plays an equally important role on par with accounting and marketing. For this reason, Cybersecurity Insiders is offering some simple tips to help businesses protect themselves from ever-evolving […]

Next-Gen CASB: Zero-Day Protection

This post was originally published here by Ā Salim Hafid. Many organizations struggle withĀ unknown apps. Whether it’s a new EFSS service, aĀ messaging platform, or any other web-based service, new apps are driving corporate data outside the firewall and oftentimes beyond managed “sanctioned” cloud applications likeĀ Office 365. To manually identify new upload paths is an impossible task […]

Steps to nullify the effect of a Cyber Attack!

As enterprises around the world are marching towards digitalization, no organization is said to be immune to cyber-attacks. Remember, if hackers can target companies like Equifax, Yahoo, NSA and SEC they can also take a call at your organization anytime.Ā  So, the question is to be smartly prepared to tackle any and every situation after […]

Facebook takes initiative to protect Canadian 2019 elections from Cyber Threats

Social Media Giant Facebook has announced that it is going to take an initiative to protect 2019 Canadian elections from Cyber Threats. Facebook is going to fulfill its objective by taking the threats identified by Canadaā€™s Communications Security Establishment (CSE) on a serious note and addressing them in a proactive way. Note 1- The US […]

Microsoft offers ransomware protection to folders of Windows 10 OS Users

Ransomware has already shown its catastrophic effects on computer users around the world, and so Redmond based software giant Microsoft has pushed a new ā€˜fallā€™ update which will help Windows 10 OS users protect their data folders from the said dreaded malware. Yes, youā€™ve read it right! Microsoft is offering a new feature to Windows […]

Google plans to intellectually secure its users from Cyber Attacks

Web search giant Google is all set to secure its online users from cyber attacks by pepping up its security tools. The company is intending to do this through a new service offering called Advanced Protection Program. The program is aimed to block all 3rd party applications for accessing emails and data from Google Drive. […]

Hacks on Servers and Cloud Databases exposes over 1 billion records

IBM X Force, a firm which analysis malware on cloud platforms has discovered in its research that hacks on servers and cloud databases has so far exposed over 1 billion records to cyber crooks. The company which has been tracking publicly disclosed data breaches since 2013 concludes that the leak has occurred mostly through trivial […]

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