
Singapore to issue license to cybersecurity vendors

Singapore government has announced that it is going to issue licenses to all cybersecurity vendors that will enable them to continue in business. All they have to do is to apply for the license in the next six months if they do not wish to fake the possibility of a jail term. According to the […]

Patrol Robots in Singapore trigger privacy concerns

Government of Singapore has hired a bunch of patrolling robots to put the public on surveillance and see that they do not indulge in any undesirable social behavior such as hugging, kissing, and standing too close to each other, and such. As per the sources reporting to Cybersecurity Insiders, these robots, dubbed Xavier, will be […]

Over 11 million cyber-attacks launched from Servers operating in Singapore

Singapore which is known as a digital hub of Asia is in news for all wrong reasons these days. A study conducted by Kaspersky says that over 11 million cyber attacks were launched from the servers operating in the scenic city in 2019. However, the research also claims that there was a dip in the […]

Iran cyber attacks the UK

US Security experts claim that an Iranian hackers group named Iranian Revolutionary Guards has planned cyber attacks on UK infrastructure which includes random DDoS attacks on Post Offices across the UK and siphoning of medical records of Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong. Cyber attacks launched on the UK say that the hacker’s group which […]

North Koreaā€™s dangerous weapon is Cyber Attacks and not Nukes

As US President Donald Trump met North Korean leader Kim Jong UN in Hanoi, Vietnam this week, the world expected a peace between the two leaders. Though all seems to be well as of now, they are high-level chances that things might turn bitter after a few days of the meeting. Remember, this was the […]

Cyber Attack news for the day

1.) To all those who are still using Windows 7 operating system loaded PCs and Laptops, hereā€™s a piece of bad news. Microsoft has announced that it is going to end support to its popular operating system from news January and so PCs which run on the said obsolete OS will become vulnerable to cyber […]

Details about SingHealth Cyber Attack

SingHealth, the largest healthcare group in Singapore was targeted by hackers recently, leaking personal as well as outpatient medication details of nearly a quarter of the stateā€™s population. The disclosed data includes health details of Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and personal data of more than 1.5 million people and medicine dispense details of […]

Firms in Singapore have lost 6% of GDP Growth to Cyber Attacks

A study conducted by Microsoft commissioned Frost & Sullivan Company has discovered that firms operating in Singapore could have lost billions of dollars which is equal to 6% of GDP growth of the country. If figures are taken into account, the amount could mean a staggering $17.7 billion in USD in economic damage.Furthermore, the study […]

Singapore tops the list of nations launching Cyber Attacks

Israel based Cyber Security firm Check Point Software Technologies has listed Singapore as a top nation which launches most cyber attacks on global IT infrastructure. Thus, the small Asian country has overtaken developed nations like Russia, China, United States and the UK on this aspect. Eying Wee, a spokesperson from Asian Pacificā€™s division of Checkpoint […]

Personal data of 5400 AXA gets compromised in Cyber Attack!

Personal data of more than 5400 AXA Singapore customers was compromised in a cyber attack which took place last month. The incident came to light when an email giving details about the cyber attack was sent to affected customers. According to the sources reporting to Cybersecurity Insiders, the stolen info includes mobile numbers, insurance policy […]

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