US 2016 Polls

US Donald Trump takes claim of 2018 Cyber Attack on Russian Internet Research Agency IRA

In a much speculated interview given to Washington Post mid last week, the US President Donald Trump claimed that the 2018 Nation State Cyber Attack launched on the Russian Internet Research Agency (IRA) was done under his supervision and full knowledge. And security experts fear that the public admission of the 45TH US President can […]

Google manipulated Hillary Clinton votes from 2.5 m to 16 million says, Donald Trump

For the first time, US President Donald Trump took a direct dig at Google for manipulating 2016 Poll results in favor of Hillary Clinton. Revealing some details from the study made by Robert Epstein, the president said that his victory was bigger than thought as the tech giant depicted 2.5 million votes of Clinton as […]

Cyber Attack news trending now

1.) A research published in the journal Nature Communications says that the 2016 US elections were influenced by fake news spread by 6% of Twitter Bots. The numbers from Facebook arenā€™t available now. But the study confirms that a lot of accounts (1 million Approx) which have been suspended in March this year by the […]

How Russia made Donald Trump the US President via Cyber Attacks

Till date, there have been ā€˜nā€™ numbers of media reports claiming Russian Interference on 2016 US Polls leading to the defeat of Hillary Clinton and making Real Estate Business Tycoon Donald Trump as 45th US President. Now, news is out that in the process of July 2018 indictment of a dozen Russian Military Intelligence officers […]

Passport numbers were stolen in Equifax Cyber Attack

News is out that passport numbers of nearly half of the US population were stolen in Equifax Cyber Attack which took place last year. And the credit bureau agency admits that nearly 147 million were affected in the attack. After the congressional inquiries, it is said that over 3200 passports numbers, 12,000 social security card […]

Facebook data privacy concerns deteriorate with Brexit Campaign Exposure

Cambridge Analytica is said to have used the data of over 50 million Facebook users to help US President Donald Trump win the US 2016 Polls. Now, the latest is that the company is said to have helped the official campaign backing Britainā€™s exit from the European Union by having access to data collected inappropriately […]

DHS confirms Russian Cyberattack on US Voter Registration rolls!

Jeanette Manfra, the head of cybersecurity at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has confirmed that there was a kind of cyber attack influence on the US Voter registration rolls of over 21 states before the US 2016 Polls. But she added that the hackersā€™ access to the voter rolls was minimal as could have […]

Facebook takes initiative to protect Canadian 2019 elections from Cyber Threats

Social Media Giant Facebook has announced that it is going to take an initiative to protect 2019 Canadian elections from Cyber Threats. Facebook is going to fulfill its objective by taking the threats identified by Canadaā€™s Communications Security Establishment (CSE) on a serious note and addressing them in a proactive way. Note 1- The US […]

US refusal to accuse Russia of cyber attacks will encourage more cyber warfare

United States refusal to directly accuse Russia of launching politically motivated cyber attacks on its critical infrastructure seems to be inviting more trouble. Security experts fear that the said reluctance will create a policy vacuum which will encourage more cyber warfare from state funded actors. FBI and CIA have already made it public that there […]

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