Two US companies awarded $45 million in contracts to protect 600 dams from Cyber Attacks

United States Interior Departmentā€™s Bureau of Reclamation has awarded two US companies $45 million worth contracts to protect 600 dams spread across 17 states from Cyber Attacks. The names of the two companies are Booz Allen Hamilton and Spry Methods, a Virginia based start-up. The contract covers technical and professional service offerings to protect the […]

Russia is targeting US and UK homes with Cyber Attacks

Russia is all set to launch a major cyberattack on home routers, ISPs and business firewalls located in UK and US says a joint statement issued by US Department of Homeland Security, FBI, CIA and UKā€™s National Cyber Security Center. Security analysts suggest that Russia is turning into a most capable hostile adversary in cyberspace […]

Britain and US jointly vow to fight back Russian Cyber Attacks

The Military and Intelligence Chiefs of the United States and Britain have officially declared that they will work together to take on the cyber threats posed by enemies like Putinā€™s Russia and North Koreaā€™s Kim Jong Un. Issuing a public statement on this note on Sunday, the leaders of GCHQ and the UKā€™s Joint Forces […]

US Military Morpheus Computer can thwart Cyber Threats of any level

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) of United States Department of Defense is said to be developing a computer equipped with utmost security features making it extremely impossible for hacking. The US Military calls this $50 million Morpheus Computer Project as a nightmare to hackers as it has the potential to thwart cyber attacks […]

Facebook was paid by Russia for Fake News!

All these days, the US media accused Russia of influencing US 2016 Polls with various marketing gimmicks. Now the news is out that the leader of Russian Federation paid Mark Zuckerbergā€™s company Facebook a sum of $100,000 for circulating fake news during the US polls. The idea was to polarize the views of America populace […]

US Nuclear Power Stations cyber attacked by Russia!

FBI and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has confirmed news reports that Russian hackerā€™s cyber attacked 5 nuclear power stations in the United States in May this year. And the affected networks include aging nuclear generating facility at Wolf Creek owned by Westar Energy, another two other facilities at Great Plains Energy and Kansas Electric […]

US 2016 Election Poll books were cyber attacked by Russia

A leaked NSA report says that Russianā€™s cyber attacked the election poll books of more than 20 counties of North Carolina in August last year. And whatā€™s even more shocking in this entire attack saga is that the activity remained undetected until NSA was pressed into service by former US President Obama to look for […]

Obama had a plan to combat cyber attacks on Election Day

Former US President Barack Obama had plans to combat cyber attacks on Election Day. And this surprising news was leaked out to Time by a close associate who worked for Obama administration until last year. Time reported that the plan to combat cyber attacks on election day included ideas such as sending armed federal law […]

US to create independent military command to Combat and Thwart Cyber Attacks

The United States, under the perseverance of Donald Trump, has decided to create an independent military command for defensive and offensive cyber operations. Trumpā€™s plan is to intensify Americaā€™s ability to wage cyber war against the Islamic State Group and other foes like Russia and China.Ā  Thus, the new US Cyber Command will work as […]

United States FTC starts a new website to train SMBs on how to avoid Cyber Attacks

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has started a new website for SMBs with an objective to help small businesses avoid cyber attacks. Based on the inputs of the acting Chairman Maureen Ohlhausen, the website was started to host articles, videos, and other info aimed to educate owners of small businesses to avoid scams and protect […]

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