
Over 80K computers running on Microsoft Windows OS found generating bitcoins with Malware

According to a security report released by Microsoft, over 80,000 computers running on different versions of the Windows Operating system were found mining bitcoins without the knowledge of the users. Dubbed as Dexphot, the malware has been reportedly infecting Win machines since Octā€™18 stealing the computing power of its machines to mine bitcoins. Technologically, bitcoins […]

Google Trending Cybersecurity news headlines for this week

1.) The first trending news headlines related to Cybersecurity is a malware spread scare in which security researchers confirm that it is being spread on mobile phones by hackers through the Android OS feature called NFC(Near Field Communication). Although Google has issued a fix to this flaw, a recent study carried out by an independent […]

BitPaymer Ransomware attack on Apple iTunes Windows

All those who are using Apple iTunes on Windows systems are hereby alerted that their computer systems are vulnerable to zero-day iTunes flaw which allows hackers to bypass the anti-virus protection and encrypt their files with malware. Ā  Cybersecurity firm named Morphisec was the first to detect this flaw in August this year when security […]

Ransomware threat to Microsoft Windows users

The US National Security Agency has warned all Windows PC users to make sure that their operating systems are well updated. Or else, the older versions of the programs will become super-vulnerable to malware says the law enforcement agency renowned across the globe. Last week, Microsoft also issued a security warning that all older versions […]

China to ditch Microsoft Windows and products to retaliate Huawei ban in the US

As the trade war between the United States and China is soaring day by day, Beijing is planning to ban Microsoft Windows and related products completely in its country from September this year. The move came when Chinese intelligence has learned that United States military could be spying on the military network of President Xi […]

Cyber Threats can target 1 in 5 home PCs operating across the world

According to the intelligence gathered from Avast Threat Detection Database, one in five home PCs operating across the world are vulnerable to cyber threats. The Global Risk Report 2019 which uncovers the digital threats luring on home and business PCs has stressed on the fact that home users of Win 7,8 and 10 Personal computers […]

Microsoft patches Internet Explorer Vulnerability to avoid Cyber Attacks on Windows PCs

Microsoft has issued a patch to its Internet Explorer(IE) and has urged all its Windows Operating system users to security update their browsers as soon as possible. The fix was released on an urgent note by the Redmond Giant as the vulnerability has been actively exploited by hackers at the international level. The software giant […]

Russia invades into digital systems of Ukraine Government Agencies

Ukraineā€™s Computer Emergency Response Team along with Foreign Intelligence Service claims that a new strain of Pterodo Windows Backdoor virus was found targeting the computer systems of government agencies running in Ukraine. And the investigating officials suspect that this could be a conspiracy of Russia which could be planning large-scale cyber attacks in near time. […]

Apple Mac computers block Linux OS for Cyber Security reasons

Apple Inc. which made a recent announcement about the security features in its newly devised Apple T2 Security Chips is reported to be blocking the Linux operating system from booting up of its devices. As per the details available to Cybersecurity Insiders, Apple Macs are only allowing Microsoft Windows OS and their own MacOS to […]

SingHealth server did not receive security updates for fourteen months

SingHealth, the largest healthcare group of Singapore disclosed to the world on July 19th this year that it became a victim of a cyber attack where hackers succeeded in accessing personal data of more than 1.5 million people and medicine dispense details of about 160,000 people. Furthermore, reports emerged that the hack also gave access […]

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