White paper: A new approach for securing DevOps in the cloud

    This post was originally published here by casey pechan.

    Itā€™s no secret we love the team over at Puppet. Weā€™ve got our approvedĀ CloudPassage module on PuppetForge, and weā€™ve already shown you different ways you canĀ tackle securing DevOpsĀ using Puppet and CloudPassage Halo in tandem.

    Now weā€™ve put heads together to give you a deep-dive into securing DevOps environments in the cloud. Our latest white paper,Ā A new approach to securing DevOps environments in the cloud, written in conjunction with Puppet, explores the way cloud security should be executed: baked into your DevOps practices from the start.

    This white paper tackles many of truths and best practices of securing an agile environment including:

    • How security can be a collision course with DevOps
    • That security integration from the start is how to truly protect an organization
    • Shifting security to the left of the development cycle
    • Enablement rather than afterthought
    • And how to employ an efficient agile approach to securing DevOps

    To learn more about how to secure you DevOps cycle,Ā click here.



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