Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology is now paving the way to a new political party in Denmark run by a robot. Named as ‘The Synthetic Party’, and headed by Leader Lars, a chat bot, the political party seems to be one of a first kind in the planet’s history.
All these days we have seen men and women leading and forming political parties. But Ms. Lars is probably the first humanoid that will be in charge of a political outfit that might represent 20% of Danish voters if all goes well with the parliamentary decision-making committee.
Asker Staunaes, whose brain child is the said political party, is also the head of the tech organization named MindFuture who is sure that there is a bright future for the Leader Lars party. However, it is not eligible to run for the public elections and is only qualified to send notations and advice to the humans lead political outfits in the representative democracy of Denmark.
Currently, the Synthetic Party has only gathered 11 signatures out of the 20,000 needed to run for the legality of parliament and might never achieve the required strength to overtake human minds.
NOTE 1- Technologists like Elon Musk, the Chief of Tesla, are against the extensive use of AI as they foresee the overtakes of machines from the humankind, if their use is not curtailed or restricted to some jobs. However, many believe that the issue is not with the technology and is apparently linked with the human minds that are using it.
NOTE 2- If machines start taking decisions, then they might not take human experiences into consideration while making certain decisions. So, the technology usage becomes biased.