CTOs n CISOs quitting jobs because of ransomware fear

Cybersecurity- Insiders

We have seen ransomware attacks killing businesses and sometimes people, where a patient was killed in the United States as encrypted systems disallowed medical practitioners to treat a patient on time last year.

But can you believe Ransomware fear is making CISOs quit their jobs, as they feel they are not in a position to handle such situations?

Deep Instinct report titled Voice of SecOps compiled from the responses given by about 1000 C-level employees from firms operating in the US, UK, Canada, France, and Germany confirmed the news and said that all the employees who took part in the survey were of those firms whose annual revenues surpassed $500 million mark.

Stress accumulated from the herculean task of recovering all the data sets is making over 46% of employees quit their job as they fear legal pressures from the governments and clients.

According to the report, 51% of respondents felt ransomware was a major stress contributor to CISOs and CTOs; followed by supply chain attacks at 39%, the impact of digital transformation on cyber security posture at 5%, and insider threats occupying the same value.

Similar research carried out by Trend Micro early this year discovered that 70% of their security staff were overwhelmed by the number of security alerts pouring in from multiple security tools.

NOTE- Ransomware is a kind of malware that encrypts data until a ransom is paid. And since 2018, those spreading the file-encrypting malware are first seen stealing a portion of data from the database and then locking it down from access till a fat amount of ransom is transferred to their e-wallets in cryptocurrency.

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Naveen Goud
Naveen Goud is a writer at Cybersecurity Insiders covering topics such as Mergers & Acquisitions, Startups, Cyber Attacks, Cloud Security and Mobile Security

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