Cyber Attack on Iranian Country Ports

Iran has released a press statement that two of its countryā€™s ports were hit by a cyber attack. However, news is out that the attacks were neutralized in time, thus avoiding severe damage to the controls systems of the seaports.

Iranā€™s Computer Emergency Response Team Co-Ordination Centre has confirmed the news and cited that the foreign digital invasion possibility cannot be ruled out.

Two weeks back, Iranā€™s News Agencies were seen reporting that Iranā€™s Ports and Shipping Organizations along with some companies in the Maritime Industry were vulnerable to cyber attacks from adversaries.

Readers of Cybersecurity Insiders have to notify a fact over here that some government Israeli websites were hit by Iranian hackers in May 2020, as all of their content was replaced with a single message of ā€œThreatening Israeliā€™sā€ with Destruction.

A month later, Israel retaliated by attacking the sea port of Shahid Rajaee, that created a lot of chaos between Iran and US as the latter supported Israel for reasons.

Note 1- Launching Cyber Attacks on the critical infrastructure of nations has become a necessity for some adversary nation as they want to steal intellectual property, finances and some trade secrets of public and private entities. So, n this scenario protecting their digital assets against state funded attacks has become a tiresome issue for many nations, especially from west.

Note 2- Five Eyes alliance has retaliated cyber attacks launched by adversary nations on western countries with the same set of cyber warfare.

Naveen Goud
Naveen Goud is a writer at Cybersecurity Insiders covering topics such as Mergers & Acquisitions, Startups, Cyber Attacks, Cloud Security and Mobile Security

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