Cyber Attack on US Health Agency leads to misinformation spread

News is out that a cyber attack on the database of the US Health Agency has led to the misinformation spread from Sunday across the United States. Highly placed sources say that the attack was meant to slow down the response to the Coronavirus. However, it did not go as per the intentions of the hackers as the IT staff related to the Department of Health and Human Services were quick enough to spot and contain the incident.

The National Security Council(NSC) reacted to the news by tweeting in the early hours of Monday saying that the text message rumors of a National shut down and quarantine are fake and was just mischief of hackers. The NSC has also shrugged off the rumors that the Trump administration was intending to go for a National Shutdown after Wednesday and assured the populace that they will continue to post on the latest of Covid-9 on the website in coming days.

An official source from NSC said that there was indeed a cyber intrusion that led to disinformation spread. And she confirmed that Micheal Pompeo the state secretary and Trump administration were aware of the incident.

No data was compromised in the incident says a spokesperson representing Paul Nakasone, the director of NSC and US Cyber Command and they are suspecting a foreign actorā€™s involvement in this cyber attack.

Naveen Goud
Naveen Goud is a writer at Cybersecurity Insiders covering topics such as Mergers & Acquisitions, Startups, Cyber Attacks, Cloud Security and Mobile Security

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