GDPR Compliance Checklist: A 9-Step Guide

Download the GDPR Compliance Checklist here.

The GDPR, or General Data Privacy Regulation, will come into force in May of 2018 and requires organizations to maintain a plan to detect a data breach, regularly evaluate the effectiveness of security practices, and document evidence of compliance. If you donā€™t already have the required security tools and controls in place, your organization will need to start planning now to achieve compliance.

This GDPR compliance checklist lays out 9 steps you can take now to best prepare for the new regulations, including:

  • Implementing a SIEM tool with compliance-adhering log management capabilities
  • Taking an inventory of critical assets with sensitive data
  • Undertaking vulnerability scanning to identify areas of weakness which are at risk of exploitation

Download this GDPR compliance checklist now to ensure you are well-prepared for the new regulation, and learn how AlienVault USM can help simplify and accelerate your GDPR compliance readiness.


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