As cybersecurity threats continue to evolve at an unprecedented pace, organizations are in desperate need of advanced solutions that can keep up. Cybersecurity vendor MixMode has redefined the art and science of threat detection and response with its groundbreaking MixMode Platform. Designed for cloud, network, and hybrid environments, this solution leverages patented Third Wave AI technology born out of dynamical theory systems to offer revolutionary real-time, scalable, and autonomous security capabilities.

At its core, the MixMode Platform relies on a patented foundational model specifically engineered to detect and respond to threats in real-time, at scale. Unlike traditional cybersecurity platforms requiring extensive tuning and rule-setting, MixModeā€™s AI can autonomously ingest and analyze data to reduce noise, highlight critical threats, and improve defenses. This eliminates the need for continuous training, rule-setting, or extensive maintenanceā€”a real game-changer in the field of cybersecurity.

What do you see as the most significant benefits of incorporating AI into your cybersecurity operations?

The most significant perceived benefits of AI in security operations are improved threat detection, improved vulnerability assessment, and accelerated response ā€” nearly tied for first place. Source: 2023 AI in Cybersecurity Report produced by Cybersecurity Insiders


The MixMode platform employs a proprietary set of algorithms and AI rooted in dynamical systems theory to detect threats in real-time, enabling it to self-learn a networkā€™s environment without preset rules or training data. Instead of relying on the inflexible, legacy machine learning algorithms commonly found in other cybersecurity products, MixModeā€™s AI continually fine-tunes itself to the unique characteristics of a given network.

The AI developed by MixMode attains a deep understanding of a networkā€™s typical behavior, allowing it to promptly flag known and emergent attack vectors in real-time. Contrary to signature-based alternatives, the MixMode platform is engineered for quick deployment, eliminating the need for rules, training, or Indicators of Compromise (IOCs). This novel approach enables MixMode to deliver precise, real-time threat identification and mitigation, whether itā€™s in network, cloud, or hybrid settings, at a scale that meets enterprise requirements.

ā€œMixMode was deployed remotely in under an hour and detected threats on day one that other platforms and their human operators had missed. MixModeā€™s AI platform is now the core intelligence layer for our Security Operations Centerā€ – Shannon Lawson CISO, City of Phoenix


The MixMode Platform addresses a broad spectrum of issues that plague todayā€™s cybersecurity landscape.

ā€¢ Protect in an Evolving Threat Landscape: MixMode keeps organizations ahead of new, sophisticated threats, including zero-days, AI-generated attacks, ransomware, and other emerging vulnerabilities.
ā€¢ Deliver Innovation & Stability: The MixMode Platform synergizes AI capabilities with existing systems, driving innovation without sacrificing reliability.
ā€¢ Integrate in Complex IT Environments: Whether cloud, on-prem, or hybrid, MixMode integrates effortlessly, providing holistic protection.
ā€¢ Maximize Your ROI: The Platform improves the impact of existing security investments such as SIEM, UEBA, and NDR, reducing costs by 50% and offering measurable ROI.
ā€¢ Close Skills Gap: With automation and guided recommendations, MixMode enables security teams to manage and secure their infrastructure more effectively, bridging the cybersecurity skills gap.


The MixMode Platform distinguishes itself with its advanced real-time attack detection capabilities, scalability across diverse computing environments, proprietary self-supervised AI technology, and ability to deliver immediate value shortly after deployment.

ā€¢ Real-Time Attack Detection: Unparalleled in its ability to detect known and novel attacks in real-time.
ā€¢ Increased Scalability: Proven to monitor massive datasets found at Fortune 500 or federal organizations in real-time, comfortably handling 500k events per second in real-time, across on-prem, cloud, and hybrid environments.
ā€¢ Self-Supervised AI: The only cybersecurity platform built on patented Third Wave AI, born out of dynamical systems, autonomously learns, adapts, and evolves with unique network behaviors ā€” without needing training, tuning, rules, or maintenance.
ā€¢ Immediate Value: Unlike competitors and legacy cybersecurity platforms that take months to offer actionable results, MixMode delivers value within hours of deployment.

MixModeā€™s customers utilize the Platform for advanced threat detection and investigation response (TDIR). MixMode typically acts as an innovative NDR, CDR, or ITDR, streamlining the SIEM experience and enhancing the entire security program.


The MixMode Platform offers unrivaled real-time detection accuracy, exceptional scalability for large data volumes, actionable insights for enhanced decision-making, and tools to amplify the expertise, effectiveness, and efficiency of security teams.

ā€¢ Real-Time Detection: Unmatched precision in identifying known and unknown attacks.
ā€¢ Increased Scalability: Ability to process large volumes of data in real-time for enhanced threat detection.
ā€¢ Enhanced Decision-Making: Provides invaluable insights for informed defensive strategies.
ā€¢ Expertise Augmentation: Guides your security teams to work more efficiently and effectively to augment critical capabilities in SIEM, UEBA, NDR, and other platforms.
ā€¢ Improved Response: Uses MITRE ATT&CK Mapping to accelerate and enhance cyber-incident responses.


The MixMode Platform is cloud-native and is available in multiple form factors, including cloud, on-prem, hybrid, and air-gapped environments. Impressively, remote cloud installation can be completed in less than an hour in the customerā€™s environment. The Platform begins autonomous learning immediately upon deployment, detecting threats missed by legacy methods in real-time without requiring manual rules, tuning, or training.

The MixMode Platform is available via a yearly subscription, with pricing based on data volume.

ā€œMixMode uses a dynamic threat detection foundational model that provides the ability to learn, adapt, predict, and detect threats in any security environment. This enables the MixMode Platform to identify new evidence indicating novel threats or previously unrecognized threat activity without supervision or prior trainingā€ – Scott Crawford, 451 Research


In an era where threats are increasingly complex and dynamic, MixModeā€™s Third Wave AI technology stands as a vanguard in the cybersecurity space. Its autonomous capabilities, real-time detection and response, and unparalleled scalability make it not just a tool but an intelligent extension of your cybersecurity team and existing solution investments. With MixMode, you are investing in a future-proof solution that delivers security, cost savings, and peace of mind.


MixMode a the leader in delivering AI cybersecurity solutions at scale. MixMode offers a patented, selfsupervised learning platform designed to detect known and unknown threats in real-time across cloud, hybrid, or on-prem environments. Large enterprises with big data environments, including global entities in financial services, Fortune 1K commercial enterprises, critical infrastructure, and government sectors, trust MixMode to protect their most critical assets. Backed by PSG and Entrada Ventures, the company is headquartered in Santa Barbara, CA.

For further information or inquiries, please visit MixMode or contact the team directly at +1 (858) 225-2352 or via email at

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