Ransomware Cyber Attack makes Durex and Dettol manufacturer loose £100 million

    Cybersecurity- Insiders

    Reckitt Benckiser(RB) which produces Durex Condoms and Dettol Disinfectant has disclosed to the world that the NotPetya ransomware cyber attack which hit its business on June 27th,2017 has seriously disrupted its manufacturing and distribution business.

    Our sources confirm that around 500 systems, 2000 servers and 15,000 laptops were affected by Wannacry.

    And the Nurofen maker added in its press statement that the estimated loss could touch the figure of £100 million revenue for this quarter- all due to the malware attack launched by some state-sponsored actors.

    Going further into the details, Reckitt Benckiser claims that they were unable to ship and invoice some orders to customers on time due to the disruption of their production and delivery systems in June this year. And this made the British consumer goods company lose a big order all because of the shutdown of operations in some of its factories.

    Early this week, security experts from Cisco Talos have already concluded that the GoldenEye or NotPetya cyber attack which targeted many public and private organizations in more than 65 countries was made to disrupt businesses around the world and not to gain meager financial gain.

    And from whatever, Reckitt Benckiser has experienced so far and disclosed to the media, one can easily infer that the statement made by the experts of Cisco Talos was absolutely true.

    NotPetya Ransomware which is also dubbed as GoldenEye targeted many corporate names apart from Reckitt Benckiser. This includes companies such as UK-based WPP, Danish Company AP Moller-Maersk, and US Delivery service FedEx.

    RB expects to recover the lost revenue of the 2nd quarter in the 3rd quarter if all goes as per their plan and only if their corporate network remains resilient to future cyber attacks.

    However, the bad news is out that Reckitt’s stock tumbled down as soon the news of it being cyber attacked spread like wildfire.

    Investment bank Jefferies had also downgraded the rating of Reckitt shares early this week pushing the UK to manufacture deep into trouble.

    More details are awaited!

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    Naveen Goud
    Naveen Goud is a writer at Cybersecurity Insiders covering topics such as Mergers & Acquisitions, Startups, Cyber Attacks, Cloud Security and Mobile Security

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