T-Mobile offers NOPORT feature to combat SIM Jacking hacking vulnerability

T-Mobile United States has announced that all its customers were safe from SIM Jacking vulnerability if they enable a NOPORT facility in their custom settings. The wireless mobile carrier says that this feature offers complete control over a phone number, thus blocking access to bad guys doing nefarious things.

Specifically speaking, the NOPORT feature of T-Mobile(T-Mo) makes it difficult for hackers to perform a SIM swap just by sending an SMS. This feature when enabled allows T-Mo users to visit the nearest company-related mobile store, produce a valid government given ID and then request for a SIM change or a portability request to a different carrier.

At the store, a pin or a passcode is sent to the user mobile before the request of number portability is forwarded to the next mobile carrier. So, this multi-layered security makes Port Validation authentic enough to avoid any loopholes to be explored and exploited by hackers.

Last week, the company issued a press statement that all billing customers of T-Mobile have this feature existing in their SIM settings which is customizable as per the userā€™s need. So, those willing to enable the feature need to validate the standard security feature to make it work.

T-Mo says that its NOPORT doesnā€™t guaranty security against all cyber attacks prevailing in the current landscape. But yes, it can tackle smartly the Sim swapping or simjacking mobile security threat with great effervescence.

Note- T-Mobile NOPORT feature is available to be explored by US, Germany, Poland, Netherlands and Czech Republic mobile customers.

Naveen Goud
Naveen Goud is a writer at Cybersecurity Insiders covering topics such as Mergers & Acquisitions, Startups, Cyber Attacks, Cloud Security and Mobile Security

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