Empire of Hackers launched by CIA targets China

It is concerning to hear about the allegations and warnings issued by China’s National Computer Virus Emergency Response Centre (CVERC) regarding the CIA’s involvement in cyber-attacks on critical infrastructure and the use of the “Empire of Hackers” group for orchestrating Peaceful Evolutions and Color Revolutions against governments across the globe. If these allegations are true, […]

CIA faces digital espionage allegations from China

US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is alleged of conducting espionage on China for 11 years and the allegations were laid by a Chinese security firm named Qihoo 360. Reports are in that the espionage was conducted in digital form-all through cyberattacks by CIAā€™s hacking group named APT-C-39. Ā  Qihoo 360 argues that it has enough […]

US to sue North Korea for Wannacry and Sony Cyber Attacks

United States Department of Justice has decided to indict a North Korean with dual- charges of spreading WannaCry Ransomware attack around the world and cyber attacking the database of Sony Corp in 2014. The plan of US behind this accuse is to name & shame the alleged perpetrators so that countries like Russia, China and […]

Vladimir Putin led Russian Military was behind NotPetya Ransomware attack!

The year 2017 witnessed two variants of Ransomware attacks on private and public entities operating across the world. First, it was the much talked WannaCry Ransomware which disrupted almost 300,000 computers working across 150 countries in Mayā€™17. And the second was NotPetya ransomware attack which struck mostly the businesses operating in Ukraine and Europe in […]

List of top Brutal Cyber Attacks which shook the digital world in 2017!

The year 2017 witnessed an inordinate number of Cybersecurity meltdowns and proved that our increasing dependence on online world is making us more and more susceptible to hackers and cyber attacks. Wanna to know howā€¦? Then hereā€™s the list of top brutal cyber attacks which shook the digital world in 2017. WannaCry Ransomware Attack- There […]

US refusal to accuse Russia of cyber attacks will encourage more cyber warfare

United States refusal to directly accuse Russia of launching politically motivated cyber attacks on its critical infrastructure seems to be inviting more trouble. Security experts fear that the said reluctance will create a policy vacuum which will encourage more cyber warfare from state funded actors. FBI and CIA have already made it public that there […]

Cisco patches Wikileaks revealed security vulnerability

Wikileaks which exposed CIA documents referred to as ā€œVault 7ā€ in March this year is glad to know that networking giant Cisco has patched a critical flaw in its IOS software that exposed more than 300 models of routers and switches to cyber attacks. Julian Assange, the head of Wikileaks made a media briefing yesterday […]

Trend Micro confirms Cyber Attack on French Elections

US segment of Trend Micro has confirmed that the recently held French elections were hacked by a group of hackers from Russia. The cyber security firm which has its head office in Japan said that attack was launched just 36 hours before French voters went to polls in a May 7thā€™17 runoff between Macron and […]

Never reveal your social media passwords to Trump Administration

As the new US Visa policies roll in from this month, the Trump Administration is planning to put some foreign applicants through a stringent screening test which can be referred as a ā€˜privacy invasionā€™. And as a part of this policy, the US State Department wants to review all social media activities, email addresses and […]

North Korea to turn aggressive towards the US via Cyber Attacks

United States which is getting ready for a World War 3 against North Korea (NK) received a severe jolt at the end of last week when the NK leader Kim Jong UN said that his nation is not going to take the actions of Trump government lightly anymore. Mr. Kim Jong UN added that his […]

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