
Over 50,000 ships are vulnerable to Cyber Attacks

Cybersecurity Experts say that the ship’s navigational system is easy to intercept giving hackers an incredible opportunity to change the course of a cruise or a superyacht. And the news comes just a few months after researchers have proved that the GPS system of a cruise or a boat can be altered to get them […]

The Long Life of Zero Day and Its Implication

A zero day is an attack that exploits a previously unknown security vulnerability. The creation and distribution of zero days by cybercriminals is on the rise with 45 new ones already discovered in Q1 2018. According to a recent report from RAND Corporation called Zero Days, Thousands of Nights: The Life and Times of Zero-Day Vulnerabilities and Their Exploits, […]

The Differences Between DLP, IAM, SIEM, and Varonis Solutions

You can’t always do it all alone and sometimes you need help from your friends. It’s good life advice, and as it turns out, good advice for a security solution. A multi-pronged security program that uses a mix of technologies and approaches is the best way to reduce risk and to protect your organization’s most […]

More women needed in Cybersecurity field

It’s evident that Cybersecurity field seems to be ever-evolving. But as usual, the shortage of women in the said professional sphere is clearly evident, as only 11% of Cybersecurity jobs have been occupied by the said gender across the globe. However, the good news is that companies like Palo Alto Networks and Symantec Corp are […]

The Difference Between Data Security and Privacy

Repeat after me, data security is not privacy. Privacy is also not data security. These two terms are often used interchangeably, but there are distinct differences as well as similarities. Yes, data security and privacy have a common goal to protect sensitive data. But they have very different approaches for achieving the same effect. Data […]

Cybersecurity field is a gold mine for jobs says IBM

World-renowned Tech major IBM has announced that the field of Cybersecurity can prove as a gold mine for jobs in next few years. As the field lacks trained professionals, the Armonk based company is urging young graduates to look into this segment as it can prove as a lucrative career option for the next 10 […]

A Practical Strategy to Maintain Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability (CIA)

A Practical Strategy to Maintain Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability (CIA) Mark Tellier, MS, SSCP Our businesses are inundated with incidents of Ransomware, Malware, Adware, and many other intrusion variants, it’s no wonder that 90% of healthcare institutions have been affected, at a total cost of $6 billion a year according to a recent study from […]

Windows 10’s Controlled Folder Access Won’t Protect Your Data

What is Controlled Folder Access? With the release of Windows 10 Fall Creators Update, Microsoft added a new feature called Controlled Folder Access (CFA) to Windows Defender Exploit Guard. This features allows users to control which processes can access certain folders to help protect data from malicious programs, such as ransomware or wipers. CFA is […]


This post was originally published here by  (ISC)² Management. There’s no question cybersecurity professionals are busy people, but what takes up their time at work? According to recent (ISC)2 research, the skills they most employ each day are network monitoring, security analysis and security administration, while forensics and penetration analysis rank at the bottom. But if you ask those who are […]


This post was originally published here by  (ISC)² Management. Non-white cybersecurity workers outnumber their white counterparts in advanced education degrees (master’s and higher), but they are still underrepresented in managerial positions. As a group, minority professionals also get paid less than Caucasians, according to a new report from (ISC)2. The report, Innovation Through Inclusion: The Multicultural […]