
Sensational Cyber Attack news for the day

When the heading says itā€™s sensational we mean it by all meansā€¦.and hereā€™s the proof 1.) Facebook workers are reportedly turning against their company founder Mark Zuckerberg for spying on user calls & posts and signing secret deals with data firms to sell user data. And the crux is that they want their founder to […]

NHS lost Ā£92 million and Cancelled 19K appointments due to WannaCry Ransomware Attack

Do you know how much loss did the WannaCry Ransomware Attack cause to UKā€™s NHS? The news is out that the national healthcare provider lost almost Ā£92 million and had to cancel almost 19,000 appointments due to the computer network disruption caused by the malware in Mayā€™17. The loss estimate of WannaCry Cyber Attack was […]

Britain Watchdog $658,000 fine on Equifax and NSA Eternal Blue Cyber Threat

US Crediting reporting company Equifax has been slapped with a fine of $658,000 or Ā£500,000 for failing to protect information of more than 15 million UK citizens during a cyber attack which took place last year. The Information Commissionerā€™s Office(ICO) has come up with the said conclusion of levying a penalty on Equifax after it […]

News about Wannacry hitting Australian Computers and Cyber Attack on Air Canada

Malwarebytes latest investigation has discovered that the Wannacry Ransomware which disrupted more than 250,000 computers worldwide last year has again hit thousands of systems in Australia and millions across the world in 2018. According to the Cybersecurity firm, more than 3,388 Wannacry cases have been detected till date since Jan this year and the number […]

US to sue North Korea for Wannacry and Sony Cyber Attacks

United States Department of Justice has decided to indict a North Korean with dual- charges of spreading WannaCry Ransomware attack around the world and cyber attacking the database of Sony Corp in 2014. The plan of US behind this accuse is to name & shame the alleged perpetrators so that countries like Russia, China and […]

Enterprises should be aware of these Cyber Threats in 2018

All you people out there who are leading the companies, please be aware of these top cyber threats as there is a high probability that your enterprise can confront them in 2018. Obviously, ransomware attacks will get worse and Ransomware will lead the pack. However, as per a new report by Kaspersky Labs, cyber crooks […]

Fake Ransomware attack claims hit email boxes in the West

Online users in Western Countries, especially in US and UK, have become soft targets for a new type of ransomware attack campaign. Security researchers from Sophos Labs say that the inboxes of email users are now being targeted with scary messages that say that a nasty ransomware infection is going to infect their computers if […]

Businesses in Europe are vulnerable to Chinese Cyber Attacks says the report

Germany based Cyber Security firm ā€˜NTT Securityā€™ published an Annual Global Threat Intelligence Report in 2016 which said that cyber attacks from China constituted for less than 3% of all attacks against businesses in Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA). Thus, the said country was placed at the 9th position in the list of the […]

NHS signs Ā£150 million deal with Microsoft to boost its Cyber Security Defenses

After the Mayā€™17 WannaCry Ransomware attack, National Health Service of UK, shortly known as NHS is reported to spend Ā£150 million to boost its cyber attack defenses against growing cyber threats from countries like Russia and North Korea. The healthcare organization is said to have signed a deal with Microsoft to enhance its security intelligence […]

Cyber Attack hits Maersk Group again

Maersk has made it official that its business subsidiary operating in Australia was hit by a second cyber attack early this month. Security analysts at Svitzer Australia have discovered that the email system of the company was under the control of hackers from past 10 months before the hack was discovered on March 1st this […]

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