CYFIRMA, a cybersecurity intelligence division of Antuit Group has come up with the list of cyber threat predictions for 2019. The firm adds in its predictive analysis that hackers will see to capitalize on GDPR, invade more cloud platforms for vulnerabilities and expand the use of multi-homed malware attacks in the coming year.
The Texas-based research claims that the following 15 phenomena, in particular, will emerge or worsen in 2019.
1.) Multiple and pronged AI propelled machine learning cyber attacks will increase triggering breaches in Humanoid systems alongside blockchain ecosystems and other autonomous systems.
2.) The Tokyo 2020 Olympics will become a prime target for hackers sponsored by the adversaries to Japan.
3.) State and corporate espionage will lead to a dispute between countries like Us and UK with China, North Korea, Russia, and Iran.
4.) Behavioral data of individuals, entities and government organizations will be at high risk from those who launch social engineering attacks.
5.) Crypto mining malware will target mobile devices across the world
6.) The year 2019 will witness Cyber Threats on the Internet of Things.
7.) Cybercrooks from Asia will launch identity thefts especially on Japan populace
8.) A new variant of Banking Trojans, crypto malware, ransomware will proliferate in 2019.
9.) Hackers with the help of embedded malware will try to exploit supply chain vulnerabilities.
10.) Distributed Denial of Service Attacks aka DDoS Attacks will gain more popularity in 2019.
11.) Hackers will show a lot of enthusiasm in exploiting GDPR remediation and regulatory procedures.
12.) Over 70% of companies operating across the world will witness botnet attacks that use AI/Machine learning techniques.
13.) State-sponsored attacks on critical infrastructure operating in the west will proliferate.
14.) Organizations will realize that their employees will form the weakest link in phishing/smishing attacks.
15.) Cryptocurrency exchanges and trading platforms should up their defenses against cyber attacks.