This post was originally published here by Ā (ISC)Ā² Management.

New guidelines, increased government oversight, and mounting stress in cybersecurity

With the 4th quarter underway, we are starting to see lots of predictions aboutĀ what the cybersecurity industry can expect to see come 2018. Thinking about the future makes it easy to forget about what is happening right now, though.

Letā€™s take a look back at the news that happened this week to remind us of where we are, before we focus too much on where weā€™re going.

Arguably the biggest industry-wide news of the week was the Senate Commerce Committee hearing, ā€œProtecting Consumers in the Era of Major Breaches. If you listened to any of the testimony, it should come as no surprise that the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) is telling companies to expectĀ new guidelines on reporting cybersecurity breaches. Ā 

Former Yahoo CEO, Marissa Mayer, evidenced not only Yahooā€™s efforts to adequately secure the data they collected but also lauded their swiftĀ engagement with law enforcement once the breach was reported.

Hearings and guidelines aside — other noteworthy events across all sectors of cyber

Hereā€™s a look at the week in review:

Nov. 10. As the threat landscape continues to expand,Ā stress levels grow higherĀ for cybersecurity executives in the IoT. Should they be able to get away on vacation, they may want to avoid a trip to Bermuda, whereĀ cybercrime is a major danger.

Nov. 9. The hacker ranked number 66 on the HackerOne platform advised federal agencies to hire staff who proactively seek out and know how to report vulnerabilities. Who is he? AĀ high school senior whoā€™s participated in some high profile bug bounty programs, including the Hack the Air Force event (which he won). Ā 

One positive among all the concerning issues for the cybersecurity industry?Ā Investments in the industry will continue to grow, according the CNBCā€™s Jim Cramer.

Itā€™s not with intention that the current administration has yet to appoint a federal CIO and CISO, and allegedly there will beĀ a cascade of candidates forthcomingĀ for Senate approval.

Nov. 8. Confronting the growing jobs gap is a challenge that every company will continue to face. Hereā€™sĀ a guide to what companies can doĀ to navigate through the rocky waters ahead.

The burden of adhering to the current disparity in state regulations poses problems and slows the progress of being able toĀ consolidate IT operations for state governments.

Nov. 7. Two German tweeters pulled a fast one on Twitter and managed toĀ bypass their character-per-tweet limit, which not only confused users in the Twitter-sphere but also managed to crash the app. Ā 

Not even outer space is free from the threat of cyber attacks. Read about managing partner at Renaissance Strategic Advisors, Joshua Hartmanā€™s advice for aĀ cybersecurity framework for space.

Nov. 6. Fake apps are a real problem for WhatsApp users and Google Play. More than a millionĀ Android users were bamboozled by the fraudstersĀ and downloaded what they thought was a legitimate app.

Not a good news day for Android users. Austrian BankĀ customers were targeted with a multischeme phishing and malware comboĀ attack using the Marcher Android trojan.

Another startup,Ā Dublin based Corrata, joins the marketĀ in an effort to deliver solutions for enterprise mobile security.

Photo:Viox Excavating


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