The law enforcement service of Britain is thinking of amending the Computer Misuse Act as they are in a helpless situation for not being able to infiltrate the networks of cyber criminals because of some outdated cyber laws.
Already few of the British nationals have started a CyberUp campaign that will allow the security experts of government to infiltrate the networks of hackers and block their malicious intentions.
So, pretty soon, the government of UK is said to redraft the 30-year-old Computer act that will then allow the intelligence personnel to hack the digital networks of the cyber crooks for interrogation.
From the past few years, the outdated digital legislation is hindering the intelligence to conduct espionage on people suspected to be linked to criminal activities, including those involved in cyber crime.
Therefore, they have urged the government to make amendments to the law that was also backed by the CyberUp campaign.
Early this month, the National Cyber Security Centre, a cyber arm of GCHQ, has also requested the authorities to look into the matter and issue orders in favor.
News is now out that a committee will be appointed by the Boris Johnson government soon in this regards and a decision favoring the counter cyber attack of criminal networks is expected to be out by this year end.
Note 1- Till date, a special permission was needed to access the devices used by cyber criminals such as a smart phone and laptop. Now, an amendment to the act seeking ‘Statuary Defense’ in the Cyber Act will let the police linked security researchers, working for the government, act in public interest with free hand.
Note 2- In May this year, Priti Patel, the Home Secretary of UK announced that the government will from now on impose a crack down on websites selling data breach details, will act harshly on those launching ransomware attacks, and will prosecute those involving in espionage and identity theft campaigns.