A massive cyber attack which took place on several Venezuelan public and private utilities on Wednesday this week is said to have left more than 7 million mobile phone users without service.
The hackers group named ‘The Binary Guardians’ claimed responsibility for the attacks and added that more such attacks will follow in near future on government and private companies.
As per the sources reporting to Cybersecurity Insiders, dozens of Venezuelan websites, mostly of state bodies were hit by a cyber attack launched by a rebel group. It seems that the attack was launched in retaliation for a weekend raid launched on an army base in Valencia.
Websites belonging to Supreme Court and the legislature, and subscription TV services named DirecTv and Telephone provider Digital are said to be among the victims.
As the attack affected the operations of Movilnet’s GSM platform on Wednesday, 7 of the 13 million phone users were left without service since then.
Several media sources from Venezuela said that 9 cuts were made to the country’s fiber optic network on last weekend which left the populace of more than seven states without internet.
Then a cyber attack was launched on websites operating for many government and private firms in Venezuela which includes MovilNet. And as a result of this attack, more than seven million phone users were left without service.
Officials claim that the attack was in the form of DDoS and data related to the total disruption is still awaited.
More details are awaited!