According to Lt. General Chris G Cavoli of the United States, some polish websites came under the influence of cyberattacks aimed at Damaging Poland’s military alliance with North America.
Gen. Cavoli said that the servers of national and regional polish websites were being influenced by some state-funded hackers who were trying to spread misinformation by posting articles on the news websites without the knowledge of the owners and shaming the efficacy and vigilance of Polish Soldiers and their warfare related equipment.
Showing a doctored sentence from the article and a fake interview in a renowned website, Gen. Cavoli is seen quoting that the Poland soldiers can only fire Knicker Elastic and can never use artillery.
As the false article was reposted on other news websites like- Telewizja Republika, Olsztyn24.com, ePoznan.pl, Radio Szczecin and Niezalezna.pl, the fake news was speculated as original leading to much chaos among the government officials of Poland and posing as a big threat to the relation-buildup event titled Defender –Europe-20 to be held in Poland from June 5th, 2020.
Although Polish officials have never made official, they suspect the play of Russian Intelligence from Kremlin in this whole exercise of spreading misinformation as the attacks are in line with Russian Propaganda and were launched from different IPs originating from Russia.
Reacting to the news, Wojciech Surmacz, the head of the Polish Press Agency (PAP) has claimed the news posts as false and confirmed that the content was induced into the website through fraudulent means.