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PRODUCT REVIEW: DFLabs IncMan Security Automation and Orchestration

Today, we are reviewing DFLabsā€™ IncMan security automation and orchestration platform, designed to automate, orchestrate and measure security ops and incident response. To protect IT...

PRODUCT REVIEW: AlienVault USM Anywhere

We reviewed AlienVaultĀ® USM Anywhereā„¢ and were impressed with the many robust threat monitoring, detection, and incident response capabilities packed into a single platform....

SOLUTION REVIEW: Enzoic for Active Directory

Compromised credentials stand as the predominant cause of data breaches, underscoring the urgency for organizations to bolster their defenses. Itā€™s crucial to acknowledge that,...

Preparing for a Pandemic: How to Ensure Productivity and Security When Employees Must Work...

byĀ Rita Selvaggi This article was originally posted on ActivTrak The global reach of the coronavirus has elevated the discussion around the need for ā€œsocial distancingā€ and... Reviews Nyotron PARANOID

Whether you work for an established security industry player like Symantec or a smaller company trying to build brand awareness, providing your solution to...

Amazon hacked by retailers to post fake reviews

Which?, a brand name which is associated to a Consumers Association based in the United Kingdom has made a startling revelation yesterday that some...

Announcing our five-star product rating and Cloud Security Company gold medal win!

This post was originally published here by casey pechan.Weā€™ve been chosen for some great awards and accolades lately, and we wanted to share the...

Cybersecurity 2017 ā€“ The Year In Preview: Trade Secret Theft Takes Center Stage

Check to state you have read andagree to our Terms and Conditions Terms & Conditions and Privacy Statement (the Website) is owned and managed...

Unveiling the 2024 VPN Risk Report: Key Vulnerabilities and the Shift to Zero Trust

Todayā€™s distributed and cloud-centric work environment has triggered a shift in access methods from traditional virtual private networks (VPNs) to more robust security frameworks...

New Report Reveals Insider Threat Trends, Challenges, and Solutions

Insider threats, driven by personal motivations and enabled by the rapid evolution of technology and changing hybrid work environments, present a critical challenge to...