Stay away from these Google searches if you want to be Cyber Safe

To all those who want to keep their computing gadgets safe and secure from hackers, here are some tips to follow-

1.) Never search for your banking & government websites on Google as these days hackers are devising fraudulent web pages to steal credentials and the trick is that these guys are also well capable in ranking their web pages at the top of Google search results through various black hat SEO techniques which can make online banking users fall for these phishing websites. Then how, might be your next question? First, check whether your banking website is loaded with the HTTPs tag in front while browsing it in your web browser and then proceed. Or else if you know the URL of the website type it on your web browser directly to access the services.

2.) Beware of fake customer care numbers- Whenever we have trouble logging into a website say a shopping one or a banking one, we often follow a habit of contacting a customer care number. But remember some cyber crime units are now gulling people by posting fake customer care numbers on Google search engine and duping customers by minting money from them.

3.) Never download apps from Google- Security researchers are advising smart phone users to never search or download any apps from the search engine as they are always found to be unreliable and fake filled with malware content. So, better rely on the official App stores for all your application downloading needs.

4.) It is risky to search for Medicines or medical symptoms on Google ā€“ Factually speaking; Google never owns a content which gets displayed on its search rankings. So, blindly following a piece of medical advice or purchasing pills can prove dangerous as such information might be posted by hackers, half-knowledged or oblivion guys or those working with nefarious intentions. Who knows you will never get that purchased medicine at all losing money.

5.) Never input your banking or phone details into the web- Never ever post banking, financial or health related personal details on Google or search for them on the search engines, as we never know who might gain access to these details and start troubling you by fraudulent means.

6.) Avoid falling prey to e-commerce fraudsters- Creating a website, posting some products and offering them with a 60-70% off has now become a trend for fraudsters. Then show the online shoppers just some photos of the product or service, coax them into making a payment through a payment gateway and then vanish with the money without providing a service/product.

7.) Avoid falling prey to online frauds which offer anything for free- Nowadays offering coupon codes to avail discount on video streaming websites is becoming a business trend. But can you believe that most of such websites are fake and dupe customers by passing malware to the computing device when clicked.

Naveen Goud
Naveen Goud is a writer at Cybersecurity Insiders covering topics such as Mergers & Acquisitions, Startups, Cyber Attacks, Cloud Security and Mobile Security

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