
Malicious emails tricking users to make donations for elections

As the US Elections of 2024 approach, voters must remain vigilant against a rising tide of cybercrime targeting political donations. Several threat groups are deceiving citizens into donating money purportedly for the elections, which turns out to be fraudulent schemes aimed at financial gain. A recent study by Trellix highlights the urgency for law enforcement […]

The Intersection of AI and Cybersecurity: Unveiling Threats to Elections

In an era dominated by technological advancements, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into various aspects of our lives has brought unprecedented convenience and efficiency. However, as we witness the growing reliance on AI, particularly in the realm of elections, a new concern emergesā€”how AI usage can potentially open the door to cybersecurity threats that […]

UK labels AI Tools as a cyber threat to National Elections

Britain has identified the continued use of AI tools as a significant cyber threat to the upcoming national elections slated for January 2025. Emphasizing the increasing difficulty for security experts to track and neutralize these deepfake threats, particularly in the context of digital elections, the nation has raised concerns about potential interference. As state-funded actors […]

Germany puts cyber attack blame on Russia for disrupting its general elections

Germany has officially put the blame on Russian government for launching cyber attacks to disrupt the countryā€™s general elections. The Germany Ministry issued a public statement on this note yesterday and stated that it has reliable information that the GRU Military Intelligence service involved in espionage tactics where it stole login credentials of some bureaucrats […]

Trending news headlines on Google related to Cyber Attacks

1.) Bellingcat, an investigative journalism website which offers open-source intelligence and fact-finding tools has revealed that a recent cyberattack on its database has been sourced to Russian intelligence. Eliot Higgins, who happens to be the founder of the British based Bellingcat website said on last Friday that Russia backed hackers have been consistently trying to […]

Finland election results service hit by Cyber Attack

Finland police have issued a press statement early today that its election result services which help publish vote tallies were hit by a serious cyber attack just a week before the national elections. However, the situation is reported to have been brought under control and will show no effect on the voting process or the […]

Cyber Threat alert for Canada October Elections

As governments around the world are getting immensely concerned about the probability of cyber threats hitting their critical infrastructure, Canadaā€™s electronic spying agency has issued a cyber threat alert that its elections which are to be held in October this year might fall prey to cyber attacks. The Communications Security Establishment (CSE) says that a […]

Israel to become a victim of Cyber Attack on April 7

A Hebrew based news resource Mako suggests that IT hub Israel could become a victim of an annual cyber attack which is reported to take place on April 7th of this year i.e on Sunday. The authenticity of this news is yet to be known. But the source suggests that the attack could also show […]

Ukraine blames Russia for cyber attacks targeting elections

October 27th, 2019 marks the day for the Parliamentarian elections of Ukraine, the government authorities are worried that Russia might try to influence the polls by launching cyber attacks on electoral servers and personal computers of the election staff way before the elections. Ukraineā€™s cyberpolice said last week that they have received reports from all […]

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