In one of the astonishing surveys conducted by Parliament Street; it was revealed that the Member of Parliaments in UK were been targeted by 3 million email cyber attacks on a monthly note- a 60% increase in cyber attacks witnessed on a year on year scale.
Last year, the same survey revealed that the MPs in UK were been targeted by 1.3 million attacks from Jan- August 2019. That means, this year the attack scale has increased for multiple reasons, and that includes because of the increase in remote workforce because of pandemic, hijack of email accounts of MPs and some phishing attempts.
“It is high time governments protect the populace from falling phishing attempts, with threat detection solutions and by inculcating cyber hygiene among employees through awareness”, said Tim Sadler, the CEO of Tessian, an AI based email threat monitoring company.
Mr. Sadler added it could lead to disastrous repercussions if cyber criminals get their hands on the sensitive content owned by the MPs in their email accounts.
The statement released by House of Lords matches with what is been said by the Parliament Street, which issued an alert to all members of house of lords that the institution was under constant threat of repeat cyber attacks every day and every minute.
Note- Renowned Cybersecurity firm Trend Micro has reported to have blocked nearly 27.8 billion cyber threats in 1Q of 2020, out of which nearly 93% were email related attacks.